Andy's Modelmaking Misadventures

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In the previous episode:


The Royal Navy Air Service Police are in hot pursuit of the international crime gang known as the “Forty Elephants”, who have stolen a mysterious Jewelled Tome from the vault of the Ascension Bank. Captain Bryant has valiantly leapt aboard the getaway car and is engaging in hand-to-hand contact with anyone within reach, supported by his officer in a squad car.

As they turn a corner, the driver of the getaway car sees a second police car approaching at speed. Already distracted by Bryant’s attack, he swerves erratically…


The getaway car crashes into an advertisement hoarding and comes to a stop...


Will Capt. Bryant survive the crash? Will the Royal Navy Police manage to stop the miscreants, or will the 40 Elephants gang escape with the loot? Find out in the next episode of "The Jewelled Tome" here:
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