When is it going to stop... Raining

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Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
The BBC Scotland Weather feed is entirely about Scotland's weather (I use it when north of the borrrrrrder).
The clue is in the word in bold :okay: .

There is no BBC Weather England feed
There is no BBC England TV channel either. Could it possibly be that in their arrogance they just assume that BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation really means England? Whereas us savages from the outlying bits need to be kept separate?
In a similar way to how roads are really for motor vehicles, but cyclists are kicking up a fuss so we'll paint a narrow lane in the gutter of some roads to make it look as if we are doing something!
Scotland has bbc Scotland and alba, Wales had s4c on top of national channels, England only has regional news programmes on national channels.

It kind of mirrors national anthems. Scotland, Wales both have national anthems as well as the UK one. England only has the UK one.

I wonder if that should all change?
There is no BBC England TV channel either. Could it possibly be that in their arrogance they just assume that BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation really means England? Whereas us savages from the outlying bits need to be kept separate?
In a similar way to how roads are really for motor vehicles, but cyclists are kicking up a fuss so we'll paint a narrow lane in the gutter of some roads to make it look as if we are doing something!

I was thinking this would cheer Eeyore up; Scotland get their own weather service, but England is not so lucky.

Once again I underestimated the donkey ...
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