Time to find a new home.

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Can't believe it's only my second ride of the year on the old TT bike. The two local club time trails have been gone for years and I don't do anymore ultra distance racing. So after pulling her out of the bike cave and going for a light rolling 23 mile ride, I realized I need to find her a new loving home. I just don't take her out enough and am getting more into trail riding. I'll visit the two local shops and put a picture up seeing if anyone is interested in the fun old girl. She is still a blast to ride, and it is hard to explain the feeling you get when you mount her. :bicycle:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AdGTj8qc00


I would be sad to see that go. Some shops might be interested in having it as a display item in their shop window. It's a piece of bike history. They may even pay you to hire it.

Or you could start organising a new series of TT's next season yourself and rekindle the time trial spirit.
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