Aircrew - why such big cases?

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Legendary Member
I'm in Lagos on a business trip (you don't come here for fun) and watching all the aircrew coming and going in the hotel lobby. A question that's always puzzled me is - why do they need a wheelie overnight case AND a big Delsey when they are only staying for one night? The womem have these PLUS a hand bag. Surely a smallish wheelie can contain wash kit, casual clothes and clean shirt etc for day two? So what's in the big Delsey? I suspect they are smuggling trade goods for a small fee, but hey! let's have some ill-informed and slanderous speculation.

Mr Pig

New Member
That's an interesting question. Oh no hang on, no it isn't ;0)


Rigid Raider said:
In LAGOS? It's the most expensive city in Africa and everything here is rubbish.

Out of interest RR, what do you do in Lagos when you're not working - can you wander about alone? The only people I know that have been Nigeria tell horror stories - human road kill etc...It sounds terrifying.


Legendary Member
The older generation of white expats here live in terror inside gated compounds and assume every Nigerian is out to cheat or attack them. Younger expats like my colleague here live amongst the community, relax and enjoy a busy social life (as long as they can avoid the endless weddings and social obligations of Nigerian society).

There's no doubt there are some very bad people here and it can be dangerous but as long as you can relax, follow the rules, stay healthy and not pile on the weight you can have a very enjoyable time. In fact in common with the rest of Africa, Nigeria gets into your heart and you fall in love with the place, the people and their simple unpretentious friendly nature.

For a visitor like me there isn't much to do except skive around the hotel, eat and drink and try to avoid being hauled off to church on Sunday by customers who think I need saving! There aren't really any places you can go; walking is unpleasant because of the traffic, the bad roads and almost no pavements. The beach is dangerous because of bad undertow; I knew a bloke who got drowned here. The Nigerian NATIONAL museum is a couple of tin sheds containing a few Benin bronzes an an old Mercedes in which a president was assassinated, although the wheels have been stolen.

Right now I'm interested in making contact with a bunch of cyclists I've seen out on Sundays on a collection of hotch-potch bikes, who apparently have links with East Bradford Cycling Club. My reason for doing this is because I think British cyclists must have sheds full of old kit and bits that impoverished cyclists in Africa would love to have. I can organise the carriage, I just need to make the contacts.

My colleague here (who is marred to a Nigerian) is organising a tournament for the ball boys at his tennis club, who are treated very badly. The prizes will be new racquets, which he has bought.


Legendary Member
Rigid Raider said:
A question that's always puzzled me is - why do they need a wheelie overnight case AND a big Delsey when they are only staying for one night?

Shoes. S'obvious!

I once went on a business seminar to Mauritius (tough life, someone gotta do it, etc) and a woman on the trip took, and I shiteth thee not, seventeen (17) pairs of shoes. For five days! Sssssssseventeen(17) pairs for five (5) days!!! ;)


Legendary Member
Well, I can almost understand that - it's a bit like agonising over which jersey and shorts to wear, which gloves, even whether to take road bike or MTB!


Legendary Member
Rigid Raider said:
Well, I can almost understand that - it's a bit like agonising over which jersey and shorts to wear, which gloves, even whether to take road bike or MTB!

Understand? Under-bloody-stand? Did I mention she took seventeen pairs of shoes for five days? That's more than three pairs a day! Who needs three pairs of shoes a day? I don't possess 17 pairs of shoes. I bet I don't possess 17 shoes!
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