Does anyone own an original copy of Dead Souls by Joy Division?

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soz cant help you on thet 1. i d be interested how you get on as most rare JD stuff is sought after.


Formerly known as djtheglove
Dave5N said:
No. All the pistols singles except the valuable one, of course.

Ok, The Pistols were interesting for about 5 minutes and so was punk interesting to teenagers who felt they needed to try and say something , but and it's a big but what was more interesting was what emerged from punk, what we now call post punk or new wave.

I can understand the excitemment of owning the whole Sex Pistols Catalogue, but at the same time why would'nt anyone prefer to own the whole Joy Division catalogue?

I can only guess it is because of the madness of Ian Curtis that people are wary of it!

The man was a genious of musicsal brilliance.
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