FAQ for beginners

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I've been cycle commuting for two years now and I feel that over this time my cycling skills have improved significantly. When I first started out I would cycle too close to the curb, I was not assertive enough, observant enough and would occasionally cycle on the path :?: (a few metres at a time honest :sad: )

I have tried to improve my cycling techniques through trial and error, reading forums like this and through reading Cyclecraft. I am certainly not perfect as this video proves ( :?: ), however, I try my best to pass on my limited knowledge to those less experienced than myself. I wish when I first started that there was a collection of cycling wisdom that I could have read before I started.

With this in mind I wondered if it was worth placing a sticky thread here or maybe in a specific beginner FAQ section where experienced cyclists (on roads) place their pointers on keeping safe. What do you think.

My words of wisdom would be:

1) Beg, borrow, steal or even buy Cyclecraft
2) Read it. Twice.
3) The primary road position is your friend and the secondary road position is your second best friend. If you don't take these road positions when necessary this can happen ( and )
4) Be as visible as possible
5) Always assume cars haven't seen you or don't care about you.

What other words of wisdom do we have? Maybe we can all learn something.

Of course feel free to disagree, I would be surprised if no one did :rolleyes: :8:

(Edited to display the links correctly)


Über Member
Seems like a jolly good idea to me.

Do not ever try to pass down the left hand side of a long vehicle, and especially never when near a junction or a bus stop (in the case of a bus) is always worth repeating. Otherwise Cyclecraft has it all pretty much covered, though it is always worth reinforcing the key bits.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Yup, buy Cyclecraft (new edition just out, I believe!) and not only read it twice, but every so often read it again. I got it off my shelf the other day, gave it a glance, and noticed myself taking primary much more often when I went out on the bike later. It never hurts to be reminded of good practice.

Otherwise, like beanz says, develop a sixth sense. It'll not only help you on the bike, but as a pedestrian and as a motorist...


Legendary Member
Great idea :eek: my addition is if you cant see the driver in his mirror the chances are he cant see you either.


I don;t think the car on that second link behaved too badly, granted it gets a bit close but it does wait and it passes with plenty of room


Tynan said:
I don;t think the car on that second link behaved too badly, granted it gets a bit close but it does wait and it passes with plenty of room

That's the point Tynan. The driver held back on this occasion. All credit to the driver. However, had the driver squeezed past, which does happen a lot, then the cyclist would have had nowhere to go, because of his position on the road and the barrier to his left.


if ..., sure, people on other threads reporting being squeezed to the curb from primary too, you're always at the mercy of the car to some degree

my point is that that rider wasn't, (quite), squeezed, he's horribly tight to the curb though, I thought the black car on your right was going to be the one squeezing

how heavy/annoying are those helmet cams btw?


Tynan said:
if ..., sure, people on other threads reporting being squeezed to the curb from primary too, you're always at the mercy of the car to some degree

Very true, but I believe that in a lot of situations, although not all, that the primary position can reduce the risks of this happening.

my point is that that rider wasn't, (quite), squeezed, he's horribly tight to the curb though

But it was close though!

how heavy/annoying are those helmet cams btw?

I must admit I don't notice it, although my commute is only about 20 minutes. I wouldn't want to wear one for a couple of hours!!
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