Have you ever stolen something?

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Openly Marxist
Lisa21 said:
Its not REALLY stealing but when Asda did pick&mix I got a huge bag,weighed it and it came to something like £3.95:ohmy:but I thought sod it its a neccesity!!! but couldnt resist having the occasional nibble as I was doing the rest of my shopping. By the time I got to the checkout and the girl weighed it it had gone down to about 70p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im sure the first lot of scales were broken tho:biggrin:

I have a friend who torments unfortunate teenage staff at cinemas over the rip-off pick n mix. The trick is to pick a sweet that will weigh less than the container you're supposed to put them in (for which the scales have been adjusted), and to place it, sans container, on the scale while holding up an imperious finger and saying very politely "How much is that, please?". The scale will register £0.00 as the assistant stammers "er.. um...", at which point you say "Thank you very much" and pop the sweet into your mouth. You could keep it going until the management came out, but that would be cruel...


nothing in moderation
bog rolls from work…

wooly wheels

New Member
A friend and I dressed in our smart grammar school uniforms with matching hats did a lot of shoplifting in the local town,mostly mascara and nail polish and I do remember a swim suit .We stopped because we were afraid our mothers would be upset if we were caught!! And yes I'm still ashamed although it was 45 years ago.

*If you do'nt give up and you do'nt give in you might just be OK*


Legendary Member
Wigsie said:
Woolies was a haven for kids shoplifting when I was a kid, tape and CD singles, pick n mix etc

I once saw a big group of Man Utd fans walking through a small town on the afternoon before an evening match in the days before they were escorted by the police, mimicking the Woolies TV advert of the time with this charming little ditty. "Let's all go to Woolworths, let's all go to Woolworths, the friendly store, where we nick more."
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