How often do you clean your windows?

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Never. Not the outside anyway, I have on occassion cleaned the inside of the windows. Outside I have had the same bit of bird poo stuck to the outside of the spare room window for, oh about 3 years now xx(
Plax said:
Outside I have had the same bit of bird poo stuck to the outside of the spare room window for, oh about 3 years now :biggrin:

Not guano, but the toilets at work are like that! :smile: xx(

Night Train

Maker of Things
Arch said:
Isn't that your problem, since you scrounged them from the tip... (or is it not those mirrors?:biggrin:)
It is those mirrors, I only used them as they were free and covered the area that I couldn't afford to cover with tiles at the time. I wish I had just saved up now, or did a patch work of assorted tiles.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Night Train said:
It is those mirrors, I only used them as they were free and covered the area that I couldn't afford to cover with tiles at the time. I wish I had just saved up now, or did a patch work of assorted tiles.

I dunno, once you have a patchwork, you have grouting, a worst pain to keep clean...


once a year :ohmy:

I can't see out of mine. I was just thinking the other day I need to clean them as the office windows where I work are so clean you could walk through them if you wer'nt careful.
lazy git am I :biggrin:

Night Train

Maker of Things
Arch said:
I dunno, once you have a patchwork, you have grouting, a worst pain to keep clean...
There is that I suppose. One thing about not keeping the mirrors spotlessly shiny is that female guests don't have to worry about looking at themselves in the shower or bath once it steams up. Can't see what all the fuss is about myself. :tongue:
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