My mate called me earlier to ask

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what I sent in an e-mail reply to him as his IT dept had blocked it.

i told him nothing and read it out as he thought I'd sent something dodgy or used some colourful language.

He goes away to investigate as we're both baffled why and he has just called me to tell my why it was blocked. You'll not believe why?

Him - "alright mate, any chance you can give me a loan of £20 as I've forgot my wallet today and need pick up some dry cleaning Gail needs for tomorrow at 5 o clock"

Me - "Yip no worries, give me a call when you're passing the office and i'll nip out and give you it"

apparantly my "nip out" was the reason as along with swearwords and other terms they have put "Nip" on the list as a blocked word as it is derogatory to Japanese people.

I'd like to say this is a joke but it's not. :evil:


New Member
Ha ha, i work for a german company.Strange but true, jerry is barred on the system !!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
A few years back I sent an email to a director of a company I used to work at. It never got through. It turned out that the email spam filter that the IT department had put in place was stupidly aggressive. It binned my message without even flagging it up. After some investigation it turned out that it objected to me mentioning that I had a bike for sale, that it was going at a bargain price. It also objected to multiple exclamation marks like this!!!. It didn't like me asking him about his girlfriend (I was pally with him - I don't normally enquire about directors' partners!). The list went on and on. I gave up trying to work out what to cut out of the message and got myself added to the director's 'whitelist' to avoid the filter looking inside my emails.
Our work email blocks stuff but then sends you an email telling you it was blocked saying "the email was blocked because a match was found for the word fnck in the database" but gives whatever the word or phrase was in its entirety.
It may as well just let the original one through with a warning or something.


In my last job, my boss lived in Ravelston Dykes in Edinburgh. The IT system were not happy with his address and he regularly got e-mails from the system telling him that he had been reported for a breach of the IT rules.
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