<shakes head in despair>

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
To earn a few pence, I'm signed up with http://www.onepoll.com/ and fill in surveys whenever I remember to look them up...

Mostly, they are vapid, badly designed and pointless. I've just come across this question:

Which decade would you most like to visit?

and the options are:

Neolithic and Bronze Ages
Iron Age
Roman Britain
Vikings and Anglo-Saxons
Norman Britain
Middle Ages
Civil War and Revolution
Empire and Sea Power
Victorian Britain
World Wars
Britain: 1945 to Present

Now, putting aside the little matter of a decade being 10 years, not just some random era of history....

Prehistoric covers everything before the Romans!:biggrin:

Still, earning 5p to answer stuff like who I think should present X factor is pretty easy, I just click a name at random;)

(I chose Prehistoric, BTW, although I'd have liked to narrow it down to Mesolithic....)

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
Oh no. I was in York yesterday and (politely) declined to answer a poll being conducted in the street. It wasn't you was it?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Gerry Attrick said:
Oh no. I was in York yesterday and (politely) declined to answer a poll being conducted in the street. It wasn't you was it?

No, no, Onepoll is all online. You accrue money very gradually, and they pay out when you reach £40. I'm on YouGov as well - better money per poll, but fewer polls.

I did once allow myself to be stopped in the street and ended up getting £20 to test gravy. Plus, as much gravy as was humanly consumable in half an hour of testing...

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
I would love to visit the prehistoric and see all those dinosaurs. OTOH I might get eaten by one. Which one's the safest?
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