Small tasks that cause disproportionate levels of anxiety

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Legendary Member
I used to get so anxious going to see my ex site manager after an embarrassing incident.
I'd gone to borrow his car. I went into his office and said...'can i borrow your Paul please car' :biggrin::wacko:
He looked at me like he was dumbfounded (he had no sense of humour..anyone else would have laughed it off)

Next time, i almost did the same.

After that..i got almost nervous going to ask him. I almost (actually did) find myself practicing the right words on the way to his office :biggrin::blush::biggrin:
Used to deal with a woman in work called Heidi. Just try ringing someone up and not saying 'Hi'. Watched my boss practising 'hello' before he rang her and when she picked up the phone he still said 'Heidi, Hi'. His face was a picture and the rest of the conversation was not helped by his whole team having collapsed laughing under their desks.


Senior Member
Birmingham, UK
Greedo said:
Signing a new bank card.....or signing your passport form whilst keeping within the white box.

On a related note, I have what some people might regard as a silly signature. It is a squiggle. In my defence I used to do stock control and had to sign my name hundreds of times a day so it got, ahem, truncated. Now I'm stuck with this stupid squiggle and every time I sign something I feel silly. Chip and PIN has made my life much better. :bravo:


Legendary Member
Filing .. I hate it. There are piles of papers all over our house, bank statements, bills etc.. all waiting to be put away - everytime I even think about it I get the shivers :smile:
tyred said:
Removing cotter pins from a 40 year old bike...

never felt that to be a hard or scary task myself

bit of pipe supporting it to stop damage to the bearings and then try and hammer the cotter pin into the floor with one stroke
going to the loo or having a shower at my future in-laws house

there is no lock on the bathroom door and i'm so scared my future mother in law will walk in on me!


New Member
Speaking to a priest or vicar. I am not at all religious but respect those that do follow a religion and I am petrified of saying something that would offend without having to pretend that I am religious.

The absolute worst was having to attend "class" at the local Catholic church (my wife is Catholic) as preparation for having our son baptised.

I realised I could have a promising career as a politician when I gave my answer to the question: "How will you raise your child?"
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