Stupid way to go.

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Mr Pig

New Member
Coming down the hill towards the right turn into work this morning I collected quite a queue behind me, couple of cars then a bus. Indicated right and the cars shot past on my left as I slowed down. Line of cars coming up the hill so I had to stop in the middle of the road. Just as I stopped the bus flew past on my left.

Thing is, on my new bike I have the seat up pretty high, I think the bottom bracket is higher than my last bike, and I can just toe the ground when I stop. So I nearly fell over didn't I!!

Thought later, what a stupid way to go that would have been! If I'd fell over I would've been mush for sure. Shudder...


I have a similar situation on the way home and have to take the centre of the lane, on turing right to stop cars going inside me. Too dangerous otherwise.


In Liverpool theirs a VERY busy road ONE and sometimes buses cars etc..really shift down their one day I was talkign to a friend and was leaving him and I was standing on the edge of the pavement and as I turned to look to walk out a bus passed me going really fast.

Boy was I glad I;

1 - didnt step out AND...

2 - looked 1st !

:sad: (this one makes me shudder)

..though there was another time when I was cornering on an off-camber corner on a downhill @ 46.5mph IN THE WET !!! :biggrin: - I nearly wet my shorts on that one :angry:
Mr Pig

Mr Pig

New Member
ChrisKH said:
Too dangerous otherwise.

Yes, I may have to change my position there. I was just off the white line, didn't want to brake on it for obvious reasons. Normally I just lean further over to the left when I stop but I realised at the last minute that the bus was about to pass me really close so I had very little time to consider what to do. Sitting on the white line with traffic whizzing past in both directions isn't funny! :0(

The other problem with this turn is that it's down hill. I have to indicate very early and for as long as possible because I can't brake hard with one arm, maybe you can but I can't do it. You just have to hope the numpties behind are paying attention, I've been overtaken whilst indicating a couple of times! :0(


I have one downhill section where I have to turn right on. I gradually take the centre of the lane then indicate a few yards before I have to turn off. I find the vast majority of the cars will hang back. Suppose it helps that it is on the approach to a 40mph zone and they have to slow down for a nasty bend before the downhill section. Also with regular local traffic many of them have a pretty good idea what I'll be doing next so will wait for me to turn off as they know there is no need to try and overtake.
Mr Pig

Mr Pig

New Member
Took the long way home and used another bike-unfriendly junction. An up-hill, right turn right next to a national speed limit sign! Most traffic is already up to speed as you're coming to a stop in the middle of the road. Scary stuff.
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