Tourist Attractions

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Had a conversation a while back about Orlando, Disney Land and all that jazz and the difference between there and attractions here.
Anyway said lover of Disney land commented that when they went to Alton Towers a lot of the staff there are just pretty much looking and acting like they are there on communtity service. Things like talking/texting on their phones, listening to music and anything that wasn't work.
Went to Stourport today which has a funfair type place and it's pretty expensive for the rides and it's true. The people there are there with their long miserable faces, texting, listening to music and smoking away.

I mean it's not the most intresting job in the world but at least make an effort. It had rained and half the rides were wet so why not while standing fagging away dry them and give them a bit of a clean. No wonder their trade is dying out.

The yanks may be all OTT and all jolly but by god do they know about entertainment and customer service.


Waiting for the great leap forward
I think if i spent 8 hours a day, seven days a week on a fair, in Stourport, i would look very, very miserable.
An hour on a Sunday afternoon once every two to three years does it for me.


How much does it cost to Oldham?
Downward's right though.[ideal world] If you're not into it don't work there [/ideal world]. It's hard to get the staff these days.


Legendary Member
As I predicted a few weeks ago there is now an increase in better quality candidates for jobs previously considered menial.

A pal of mine is a grower in Gloucestershire and has spent years battling to find good staff. The dross sent by the Job Centre would typically stay for a day then not come the next day. Often they wouldn't even bother collecting their wages for the day they did work! Most were lazy and complained all the time. Productivity increased dramatically once the Poles arrived.


New Member
remember though that Disney has the weather to keep people a little happier.
Plus everyone visiting the place is absolutely over the moon to be there so that must also rub off on the staff.


New Member
The fact that Disney have the best customer service training in the world and are very picky about who the employ will also have something to do with it.

As an indication of this commitment, any painted area that might get worn (e.g. posts where horses are tied) are repainted every night so they are perfect


New Member
My favourite Disneyland fact is how there is a labrynth of tunnels under the park and different sections are gated off. If you're in a Mickey Mouse costume and want to go to Fantasyland, you won't be allowed access through the gate if there's already a Mickey Mouse in that area. Heaven forbid that a child should spot two Mickey Mouses (Mikcey Mice?)!


New Member
I realise that my last post makes it sound like I have a lot of Disneyland facts. As it happens, that's the only one.


Married to Night Train
I don't think it's just tourist attractions either. There seems to be a paradox whereby the more training schemes and so on there are, the less staff are able to think, and act in a useful way - my pet bugbear is being asked if I want help packing my two items in Morrisons, by someone who then chats to their mate as they serve me or stares into space while I get my money out. (actually, that doesn't happen too much, but in some shops it's more common) It's like you can be good at customer service as long as you tick the boxes, but not by actually being nice...


New Member
It's definitely a Disney thing. For example, the staff at the Disney Resort Paris are all very jolly. French, but jolly. I wonder what it would have been like if Disney had chosen the UK for its European site; would they have been able to recruit sufficient staff from the locality that met the strict requirements of a Disney employee?


It'a customer service thing really, not just Disney. If you have ever stayed at a Ritz Carlton Hotel you will know what I mean. I once saw a presentation by a RC Manager and he was awesome. Inspiring. Perfectly dressed and well presented. And lots of other positive things. In some respects people are born to service not just made. It's all about certain key aspects of the personal make-up combined with the right training and motivation.


Velo, boulot, dodo
I like surly staff and tend to head for them instinctively at the checkouts in Sainsbury's, although sometimes, in my weaker moments, I choose the woman who always asks after my cat.
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