Well thats alright then:)

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More serious cyclist than Bonj
I got some more stuff i orded from Planet X today(new brakes for the Giant, and a sprocket for the fixed, still need a cheap 19t though) and also got the results from the open TT i did on the 23rd May.
I opened yp the results, pulled it out and got my £10 cheque for winning the under 18s.
Not bad to say i was dissapointed with my time, i was wanted a 23 min ten, but instead i got 24:06, and with most people getting 23's, i didnt think i would get the under 18s. For the start you end up with a long fast bit, which most people got up to 40mph on, not sure what i got up to, but with my legs not supple enough for spinning it wouldnt of been that. And coming from Northgate island to Oxton was a headwind and ment i couldnt get my gear going so well.
I came 33 out of 60, which isnt bad for my first open TT on a course ive never done before.
Oh, and i like the On-one sprockets, look very nice:becool: And got an FSA brakeset pretty cheap aswell.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
£10 is £10........


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Its either 48/13 or 46/13.
I started off wrong, i did the ride down which was 10miles, and didnt get my legs spinning enough, and was sat around too much at the start so when it came for me to go, i couldnt get my legs spinning fast enough:sad: I should have been able to get up to 40 no problem there aswell:sad:
But, as Fossy says, £10 is £10, and can go to something new for the bike:thumbsup:;)


Über Member
South Norfolk
Did 23:54 this evening - I was overgeared I think, with 53x15 (93"), so I'll drop down to 88" next week and spin as I prefer. Difficult headwind on the way back slowed my time down from a projected long 22 at the turn.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Will1985 said:
Did 23:54 this evening - I was overgeared I think, with 53x15 (93"), so I'll drop down to 88" next week and spin as I prefer. Difficult headwind on the way back slowed my time down from a projected long 22 at the turn.

23:36 for me tonight. Wasnt bad, bit hard on one bit where there was a slight head wind, but it was good.
Just need to concentrate more i think and go harder:laugh:


That all sounds very fast to me!

I've never done a TT but don't reckon I'd get much (if anything) below 30 minutes.
You chaps are well fast, well done Joe on your prize, spend it wisely now. I shall continue to remain quite pleased with my only self run 10 mile TT getting under 30 mins. I have no intention of doing another and 23 seems boggling to me.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Crackle said:
You chaps are well fast, well done Joe on your prize, spend it wisely now. I shall continue to remain quite pleased with my only self run 10 mile TT getting under 30 mins. I have no intention of doing another and 23 seems boggling to me.

Thanks, its been spent on a new sprocket for the mess about fixed:thumbsup::biggrin:
There was a new guy down today, and the time keeper said something to him like, "it will probably hurt alot, and you might feel quiet sick after, but dont worry too much about that"
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