Whatever happened to...

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
What, like this?


Have they disappeared then? It's so long since I even looked in a frozen cake freezer, I'm a bit out of touch....


Legendary Member
They sold the other interesting brand, Wonderbra:


Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Sara Lee decided cheap frozen mass-market Gateaux was the way to go, they devalued their product and towards the end of their business life most of their product range could be bought for £1 per item. They had invested hugely in a very large factory in Bridlington (IIRC) and despite the efficiency gains the cost of the new factory and low market value of their products was never going to work and the factory closed maybe 5 year ago now with very big redundacies for the locality. Again, from memory it has lain mostly idle for several years but recently there has been some food production utilising part of the site.

BTW RR, how did you get the photo of Mrs FF?
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