why loads of cyclists in some cities and hardly any in others?

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pre-talced and mighty
It is puzzling. Glasgow is a small city with a compact city centre, with a lot of students, and the city council take cycling seriously, but standing on the Great Western Road in the rush hour yesterday I saw not one cyclist going in either direction - and none of the cycle route just to the south. Given that the traffic was at a standstill you would think that young people would be whizzing east and west, but...no.


D4VOW said:
I know exactly what you're saying Bonj, I hardly ever see any cyclists while I'm out, just the odd one here and there. There does appear to be quite a few commuting on nice days between Huthwaite and Sutton though. At least it's a start :biggrin:

only ones i see in sutton are pobs...:biggrin:
I did occasionally see the odd one on the road out to holmewood through teversal, when i used to commute that way.
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