Will the Worlds go Ahead

Will the Worlds go ahead as planned?

  • Yes as planned

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No! They will be cancelled

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • They will go ahead with a change of venue

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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I think they will. I don't know what the legal position is, but I would think the germans would be liable for hefty damages if they suddenly cancelled them, and the German Cycling federation could well find themselves blacklisted.

I think the Germans are being holier-than-thou shoots over this doping issue. Why not pick on the sports where everyone knows doping is rife but nothing is done to stop it, rather than the one sport which is not afraid to confront the issue.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
It's been confirmed, according to Cycling news, that they will go ahead but with an even stricter testing schedule for all the riders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I would imagine that if any country needs a successful cycling event, Germany is high on that list. Also, apart from Millar, there haven't been many doping scandals in the Worlds for a number of years.


Legendary Member
I can't believe it's even an option.

So there are some cheats in the sport, so what?

They get caught and punished in the end. Absolutely no reason they should not go ahead. The Germans are being stupid......

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
fuzzy29 said:
I would imagine that if any country needs a successful cycling event, Germany is high on that list. Also, apart from Millar, there haven't been many doping scandals in the Worlds for a number of years.[/QUOTE]

NOw, I wonder why that is the case, must be different riders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
zimzum42 said:
I can't believe it's even an option.

So there are some cheats in the sport, so what?

They get caught and punished in the end. Absolutely no reason they should not go ahead. The Germans are being stupid......

I'd really like to believe that, but how do we know?

I think that if the Germans are being stricter they are doing the right thing. Remember that part of Germany once fielded the notoriously drug dependent East German athletes. Something that may explain their current attitude?
if you cancel events because of doping problems in sport, the Olympics would be the first thing to go.
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