Why don't I get email notifications of new posts?

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Dave Rado

New Member
At the top of the threads that I've started, there's a button that says "Unwatch", which I presume means I'm watching the threads - but I haven't had any email notifications when people have replied in my threads. How can I fix this?

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Click on your username in the site header bar and select Preferences from the menu that appears and you should find tick boxes to receive e-mail notifications listed under Content Options.

I hope that makes sense.


Depending on which thread you are watching, you could get a lot of emails!

This! I was getting loads when I first signed up, realised that didn't have to be the case and turned the feature off. Still get the odd one coming through, but forum software can go a bit wrong sometimes.
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