20 MPH Limits - what's your thoughts ?

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It is actually permanently deleted!.
A search only also found this. It would gave been donated content. So I imagine it upset core readers.

Makes sense - good on her for doing it - especially in the rain and stuff
but you know what they say
"There is no such thing as bad weather - just the wrong clothes"
or something like that


I bet 99% of these roads where it supposedly doesn't work are stroads. Almost as if trying to build somewhere which prioritises both commuter traffic and somewhere to live is a bad idea. I'm really disappointed that Labour are backing down on this.

Bad Company

Very Old Person
East Anglia
20 limits on side roads are entirely justified but not on major roads. In London there’s imo pointless 20 limits on Marylebone Road & Park Lane for example.
I have not seen the details in terms of specific roads and the like

But it doesn;t seem to me to be unreasonable to have implemented a wide ranging programme of speed changes like this and then give it a while and review each area and see if it needs some tweaking in terms of "whoops that one maybe needs to go back" AND "Hmmm - maybe this one could be included"

Of course - a "review" is also a good name for backing down due to political pressure from people who are INCENSED - INCENSED I TELL YOU - because they were passed by a bike 4 weeks ago.


South Tyneside
'Will Norman, London’s Walking and Cycling Commissioner, said: “Making London’s streets safer for people walking and cycling is one of TfL’s top priorities, and 20mph speed limits significantly reduce road danger.'

Why should residents and pedestrians suffer in order to keep the Drivers Alliance people happy?
Fascinatingly, the very same people who recently voted to keep selling ciggies to younger people are against low speed limits and Brexit.
Yet here, the pollutants from both impacts on everyone's freedom. As does the other.
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Why should residents and pedestrians suffer in order to keep the Drivers Alliance people happy.

Because they have more political clout and the Daily Fail gets better headlines from them????


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
That's a compelling reason for the limits - each saved injury is a significant cost saving to the NHS and the person injured. The Police are now tightening up on the limits, and I think most are justified. There are a few roads where people are getting caught out, and fined regular, as it's easy to pick up speed (coastal road near Rhos-On-Sea) as it descends from the 'Little Orme' - big article in the Local News about drivers getting caught.

I've actually found it quite 'relaxing' but as a visitor, I've got to 'remember' - pull away from a junction and you are very quickly at 20, just need to remember to take the foot off the accelerator. Riding has been OK, but drivers are, in the main, still exceeding 20.
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