Cyclist escapes prosecution after fatal collision with pensioner

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Kilometre nibbler
Mystery solved. These rides are ridden on Tacx trainers. The Tacx desktop app comes with this route built in.

Telegraph readers are wetting themselves over some guy in Spain sitting on his turbo pretending to whizz along the Embankment.


Fake data, not a chance it’s real. Digital doping.
Well, yes and no. "Fake" and "Doping" imply some kind of intent. Whereas what has probably happened is someone has done the workout on Tacx and uploaded it unaware that Strava will actually take it seriously. There are probably ways you can ensure it's flagged as a virtual ride on Strava, but these people haven't done that. Maybe with an evil intent to gather KOMs, equally (or more) likely because they just haven't set things up correctly.
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Mod note:

The power output 'debate' is dragging the thread well off-course.

Please let it go.


Is the strava speed debate not part of the power output debate in the way it's dragging the thread off-course?

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Is the strava speed debate not part of the power output debate in the way it's dragging the thread off-course?

If it’s not a debate about speed, then all posts about speed should be removed. If it is about speed, then power is relevant as that what is determining it. It helps put a factual basis behind any wild claims of for instance 52.2 mph on a flat bit of road.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Mystery solved. These rides are ridden on Tacx trainers. The Tacx desktop app comes with this route built in.

Telegraph readers are wetting themselves over some guy in Spain sitting on his turbo pretending to whizz along the Embankment.

View attachment 731181

Well, yes and no. "Fake" and "Doping" imply some kind of intent. Whereas what has probably happened is someone has done the workout on Tacx and uploaded it unaware that Strava will actually take it seriously. There are probably ways you can ensure it's flagged as a virtual ride on Strava, but these people haven't done that. Maybe with an evil intent to gather KOMs, equally (or more) likely because they just haven't set things up correctly.

Plus Telegraph readers need to go back to school for more maths lessons. Even the top virtual turbo speed is far short of the 84 km/h claimed.


Legendary Member
Mystery solved. These rides are ridden on Tacx trainers. The Tacx desktop app comes with this route built in.

Telegraph readers are wetting themselves over some guy in Spain sitting on his turbo pretending to whizz along the Embankment.

View attachment 731181

Well, yes and no. "Fake" and "Doping" imply some kind of intent. Whereas what has probably happened is someone has done the workout on Tacx and uploaded it unaware that Strava will actually take it seriously. There are probably ways you can ensure it's flagged as a virtual ride on Strava, but these people haven't done that. Maybe with an evil intent to gather KOMs, equally (or more) likely because they just haven't set things up correctly.

my quirks were recorded with strava on a phone, back in teh early days of me using strava (2012) and I soon stop recording commutes.

On the super fast one it assumed I rode around 3 sides of a "square" and picked up a segment when in fact I was riding down the 4th side of the square.

the London wall one, the GPS trace of my route is all over the place, wiggling around and not on the road.

I also used to hold a KOM across the roundabout nr Hatton Garden and up toward Chancery lane tube for several years, No idea what speed but I assume I must have caught the lights on green! I'm sure it was a data corruption as well, I couldnt find it when i did a veloviewer check before. i've never had premium strava so cant find it that way.

I love teh fact the telegraph is frothing over virtual rides putting people in danger - daft self-gratification artists


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Telegraph readers are wetting themselves over some guy in Spain sitting on his turbo pretending to whizz along the Embankment.
:rofl: I applaud your detective work. I was betting on it being some closed-road race, like the last time I remember Strava times being used to fuel some bike-bashing. :rofl: Have some 🥚 for that ☹, telegraph!

berty bassett

Legendary Member
the two example sections of cycleway are far better suited for high speeds (better surface, better visibility, fewer junctions, few permitted motor vehicles) than most nearby roads
Didn’t someone on here say recommended max speed is 18mph ? I stand by saying if you want to do 40 then either do it in an event , private land or road where speed limit is 40 or above . Just because the tarmac is smoother it doesn’t mean it’s a personal race track

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
if you want to do 40

Then you need to be a pro, unless we are talking long downhills somewhere.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Didn’t someone on here say recommended max speed is 18mph ?
Yes, but it's basically just their opinion.

I stand by saying if you want to do 40 then either do it in an event , private land or road where speed limit is 40 or above . Just because the tarmac is smoother it doesn’t mean it’s a personal race track
A cycleway is a type of road and the legal motor speed limit on the cycleway past the paper mill is 60 (no street lights) although I bet only a motorcycle ignoring the access restriction has ever done close to that on it, as the maintenance vehicles don't (probably can't). Overtaking anything at much speed on a road of that width, although good for a cycleway, would be at least careless if not reckless.

Then you need to be a pro, unless we are talking long downhills somewhere.
Fen storm tailwinds. I've done over 30 on it once and I'm slowwww :smile:


Legendary Member
. Due to the way these things are recorded it was not recorded that her death was due to the accident. This removes a few potential charges against the cyclist and as a result he was not charged or prosecuted.

The reporting issue has nothing to do with potential charges, it simply means that Accident Statistics will not show this as a death resulting from a road collision because of the time between event and death.


Kilometre nibbler
the already have - see & social media in general - they are been rightly ridiculed for it

Do you think they care? Nah. What's that old saw about a lie being half way round the world before the truth has got its boots on. They've got their headline out and now need to start working on the next one.
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