Dealing with abuse

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Chief Broom

I mean the verbal youre riding along minding your own business and someone calls you an fffing ****er just for being on a bike....or someones passing manouver has been delayed for 10 secs so they give you a mouthful as they come by....or car load of youths pass within an inch plus laughter and abuse...I expect the majority here have experienced this and it upsets some more than others.
For me i have a kinda David Attenborough approach.....Im wandering through jungle/desert/savanna wherever and recognising/categorizing various species and when confronted with a lesser spotted red r'sed baboon just recognise the type and continue on my way. Occasionally ive given the middle finger when appropriate or responded in kind but its rare these days as im a wiser, more intelligent, better looking [old fart] :laugh:
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I mean the verbal youre riding along minding your own business and someone calls you an fffing ****er just for being on a bike....or someones passing manouver has been delayed for 10 secs so they give you a mouthful as they come by....or car load of youths pass within an inch plus laughter and abuse...I expect the majority here have experienced this and it upsets some more than others.
For me i have a kinda David Attenborough approach.....Im wandering through jungle/desert/savanna wherever and recognising/categorizing various species and when confronted with a lesser spotted red r'sed baboon just recognise the type and continue on my way. Occasionally ive given the middle finger when appropriate or responded in kind but its rare these days as im a wiser, more intelligent, better looking [old fart] :laugh:

I may be just lucky but had virtually none. Any comments I have had were mainly concerning what they think is my non appropriate headgear or why I am not on the useless cycle path.
I just smile nicely and give them a friendly wave which annoys them immensely.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I had a knuckle dragger losing his shoot a few months ago because I'd held him up somehow (I don't know how as it was a 20 zone, I was doing 20 and moved out of the cycle lane because there was a car in it. Started with him swerving into the cycle lane, so I just shot past him and dared look at him. Cue him trying to chase me through traffic. Catches me then I get a massive torrent of abuse. I just tell him to shut up and I've got his company name and reg. Shame it turned out to be a very small business - probably just him.

I've had success in the past by phoning up the company and the Managing Director phoned back to apologise - in that case it was a local building supplies firm, and the driver cut the corner, forcing me onto the pavement, then when I turned round, he stopped and reversed his truck at me - then followed a massive argument - fortunately witnessed by a neighbour. The MD was quite happy if I reported the driver to the police.

Smile and Wave usually confuses them these days.


Legendary Member
London, UK
I know this affects people in different ways. For me, like some others have said above, I think of them as compliments. I don't even remember the last time I retaliated. It's usually "what ever you say Paula" (if it s a bloke) or "whatever you say Michael" if it's a woman.

I look forward to it to liven up an already interesting ride.
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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull


I can't claim to have never reacted to it, but I did laugh at a particular pair of screwballs who tried to pass me in traffic but ran out of room and were desperate to catch up to me as I left them sitting. They tried to close pass me revving their puny wee engine and all I could do was laugh at their antics. I was surprised to see that they then started laughing as well, so I think we parted as pals. I filmed it on a rear camera, but their reaction wasn't picked up, which is a pity.
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