What's your next Audax?

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Well I enjoyed the WSJCC Reliability Ride. As it turned out, pretty much everyone doing the long route started atthe same time and it separated into groups as the ride went on. Good fun and great weather for February. Nice (free) cakes/tes/biscuits at the end too.

Excellent! Great weather for January, I got quite a few (pointless) miles in. Including club freewheeling trophy, and meeting an auld acquaintance from London doing a route-check #actualAudaxContent
This isn't a dialogue you see every day:


(Confession; this one's in September, and I've already entered an event in May!)


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
I wouldn't know what that looks like! Only been here for a few months. Wear whatever will keep you warm and dry!

We're going to do the Snowdrop, which starts at 9am, as chap coming a fair way. Trying to recruit someone off the 50k challenge too. Got no bike selfies on my phone since SD card was corrupted but I'll probably look a little bit like this, though will leave rope and harness at home. Bike choice,depends on weather

View attachment 718290

Good to meet you and your crew.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Likewise. So very impressed with Little Brum Jim's efforts!

You're not the only one. We made it home too, for his longest ride ever. In February and with no warm-up rides. Just race training.

Did you enjoy it? It's a great opener to spring. Weather is, at best, unpredictable. I've had very cold, unseasonably warm, blue skies all day, rain, turning torrential and floods. This was the first flooded, cold and sunny one.


Making my way slowly uphill
You're not the only one. We made it home too, for his longest ride ever. In February and with no warm-up rides. Just race training.

Did you enjoy it? It's a great opener to spring. Weather is, at best, unpredictable. I've had very cold, unseasonably warm, blue skies all day, rain, turning torrential and floods. This was the first flooded, cold and sunny one.

It was a great route and my 4th 100k ride of the year so far. By far the pleasant (apart from the first 20km). Hopefully spring is on its way...

Ajax Bay

East Devon
Dorset Coast tomorrow (Sunday)
Some slight variations on the previous routes.
Still heading into Poole and across the Sandbanks ferry to the Isle of Purbeck and up and over Lulworth Ranges.
Going through Winfrith Newburgh and via Crossways and Broadmayne en route to Weymouth.
Abbotsbury climb is the hardest!
Up out of Axminster on the Sector climb, and later after the Spyway/Eggardon climb, approaching Dorchester from the NW via Muckleford.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Route check of one of my 200s last Sat, very wet and cold. A week on Sat I have the route check of my 400, hopefully in drier and warmer conditions. It would have been grim overnight last weekend.
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