Accident Advice

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Leg End Member
Had another few chances this last week, not cycling related, to find out from the "horses mouth" as it were, what they'd look for. Both paramedics at the scene(if you weren't making much sense/confirm details given) and at A&E's.

Both seem to favour medicalert or similar. Keeping it simple, laminated card as suggested by @Cunobelin. Name, address, Dr's details & hospital number on one side, any medication and allergies on the other.

Whilst they can look at your phone, it requires two people(It's got that bad). If in use on the bike, they may not bother looking at it. "They're there to treat the person." Whilst they're looking at your phone, whose looking after you.
Items of clothing may be cut and or removed, helmets included, at the scene.

Edited to read
"Items of clothing may be cut and or removed"
"Items of clothing may cut and or be removed"

AskMid roadside Service
& PC/tablet
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Senior Member
I've never been in a cycle accident or seen one but here's a tip. Fill in the Medical ID In the health app (if you have a iPhone) or write down on paper like a ID card (Or both) that way if your ever in an accident and are unconscious at least emergency services know who you are and what conditions/illnesses you have. I have both because if you mobile gets broken or is dead they still have the card to see your info.
Because defiantly include your name and medical conditions/allergies and a emergency contact number (e.g Mum or dad) etc..


I made an ID card from stiff cardboard and wrote my details on it. Wrap sellotape around the card and you have a simple, cheap and changeable solution.

For over 25 years I have carried a survival blanket and orienteering whistle. The idea being if I’m in a ditch with a broken leg I can be warm and noisy.

I have used a survival blanket twice for other cyclists.

In my club this year we’ve had three instances when a survival blanket would have been useful. At our upcoming Awards Evening we will be distributing 100, for free, to our members asking them to carry these on all rides. Cost is about 55p per blanket.

Speaking personally I think the whistle and blanket I carry should be part of every cyclist’s basic kit.


Leg End Member
When dialling 112 from a mobile it will over-ride the need to enter a PIN code, making it possible to use anyone’s phone. It will search other networks for a signal and prioritise the call if the network is busy. It is also possible to register for a text service so that if needed you can text the emergency services.
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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
When dialling 112 from a mobile it will over-ride the need to enter a PIN code, making it possible to use anyone’s phone.
That is only true on Android phones if it hasn't been disabled (by the phone supplier or the user) and plenty disable it because they were making accidental nuisance emergency calls when trying to unlock their phone. Here's a page from 2011 telling people why and how to disable it (actually 911, the US/Canada version of 112)


Leg End Member
That is only true on Android phones if it hasn't been disabled (by the phone supplier or the user) and plenty disable it because they were making accidental nuisance emergency calls when trying to unlock their phone. Here's a page from 2011 telling people why and how to disable it (actually 911, the US/Canada version of 112)
Works on all of mine.

112 being an international choice of number.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Works on all of mine.

112 being an international choice of number.
Doesn't work on mine: you can't dial anything without entering the code and there's no locked screen button to call 112. I'm pretty sure it didn't work on my old Gingerbread phone either. At best, it probably should say "from some mobiles"


Senior Member
I used to have a medical alert bracelet saying i'm type 1 diabetic etc..... but it broke so i've done this below for now.

Isn't ICE on androids bassically the same as Medical ID on Iphone. As on my iphone i've got medical ID on my mobile (which is why iphones have the health app). I also wrote on my house keys tag: my name, Type 1 diabetic and my mum mobile number. For if my mobile got dead/lost/stolen etc... at least then i always have keys in my pocket with relavent info.

ps also if you ever in a accident how does it work with insurance? As bicycles aren't required by law to have insurance.
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Legendary Member
Nope, but you are responsible for damages. So if you knocked somebodies wing mirror off you'd need to pay, insurance or not.
Indeed, so it's sensible to have 3rd party indemnity insurance. London Cycling Campaign do for around a tenner a year
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