Bike shops discouraging new cyclists ?

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Inexpensive transport for ordinary people seems a simple idea, but most bike shops, probably caught between a rock and a hard place, seem to have more specialised bikes on show.
Hence the incentives to make such bikes more affordable and more profitable for local bike shops.

Actually "most people" aren't all that stupid. They'll go to Halfords or maybe Decathlon for a budget first purchase. Not some niche hipster outfit.
Halfords and Decathlon are not 'bike shops' and this thread is about 'bike shops' ???
Is that like TikTok but for cyclists?
Quite obviously a typo. Quite unfunny too.


South Wales
So that's a CF DF bike?
Clear AF


We need an FAQ.


South Wales
Which shows the level of ignorance we are dealing with. You’ve proved the point.

I suspect that abbreviation is only in common use among those who ride recumbents.

But you are right about the level of ignorance among non cyclists/new cyclists, and that is why I really do not think that adding recumbents to their range is going to do much to help bike shops that are in trouble.

Bike shops that are in troiuble need to attract new custom, which often means new cyclists. And the point of this thread is that many seem to actually discourage new cyclists, but adding recumbents is not going to change that.

Recumbents are a niche market, and likely to stay that way, because for any non-cyclist or new cyclist, anything other than the standard diamond frame is a bit "weird", and when it also costs a lot more, they will take a LOT of persuading to try one.

I'd be interested to know what percentage even of keen regular cyclists ride recumbents, but I suspect that is a statistic which would be hard to establish.
A big barrier to useful conclusions here is the diverse segmentation of the potential market:
You've got budgets from £40 to £4k
Shopping/short commute bikes - -vs- I WANNA GET FIT ... and then even I WANT TO LOOK LIKE PIDCOCK/KOPECKY
Health issues - may need an ebike, or a 'bent, or an upright step-thru ... etc ...
Storage - bike needs to be cheap (not thief-friendly) or a folder
Traffic-phobe, needs an off-roader in their area?
Lives in the Fens - vs- lives on Gold Hill Shaftesbury

et al, et al, et al ...
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