Cycling on dual carriageway and car beeps...

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Senior Member
I was riding on a dual carriageway today. Didn't intend to cycle on it but it was the only real way to get from A to B on an unfamiliar route. I think it was either a 50 or 70 road. Anyway this car goes past me and beeps. I wasn't in his way or owt and the road wasn't busy. Not sure what his beef was to be honest. Maybe he thought what's he doing on a dual carriageway? It is okay to cycle on dual carriageways right?


Legendary Member
Yes, absolutely legal provided it's not a motorway.
Yes, so long as there’s no sign prohibiting it. (There’s one near me where it’s prohibited.)

I think that's a Scottish thing, the new A68 south of Edinburgh and the old A90 north of Edinburgh had that bylaw. I'm not sure if such bylaws are legal in England. There's some dual carriageway in England which no one would ever want to cycle on (with the exception of TT'ers) that actually have cycle signage. Not that a TTer would follow it, the signs direct the cyclist on the main carriageway to leave it at a slip, cross the slip perpendicular, then use the slip to rejoin the main carriageway 😂


Legendary Member
Provided there is no signage prohibiting bicycles, or vehicles incapable of travelling above a certain speed, such as parts of the A45 near me, then you are quite entitled to be there.


South Tyneside
Cycle on the A19 dual carriageway south from the Tyne Tunnel and there is more than a fair chance of you meeting your demise.
You will also get HGVs blasting full horn in an attempt to confirm your insanity as they try to pass without causing a major 50 vehicle+ pileup.

Like the A689 from Billingham to Stockton you are insanely allowed on.


Often cycle on the Chester High Road which is a dual carriageway (in parts) and haven't as yet had a problem. (Touch wood,)

I notice though that some stretches of the A55 North Wales main route are now closed to cyclists.

Personally I wouldn't cycle on it and have never seen a cyclist on it but it doesn't appear to be a total ban on cycling, just certain parts of it.


Komoot routes via the A168 (A19 link dual carriageway) from the first junction after it has diverged from the A1(M) - not a chance I would cycle on it unless there was a major road closure.


Kilometre nibbler
Yes, so long as there’s no sign prohibiting it. (There’s one near me where it’s prohibited.)
I think that's a Scottish thing, the new A68 south of Edinburgh and the old A90 north of Edinburgh had that bylaw. I'm not sure if such bylaws are legal in England.

Yes there are sections of non-motorway dual carriageway in England that prohibit cyclists. The A12 down past the Olympic park in E London is one such. It's an A road with M-way type restrictions.
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I have been beeped at for using one of the main roads near me - not even a dual carriageway!

I think some drivers are just surprised to see someone on certain busy fast roads and assume they should not be there

There are dual carriageways around Runcorn that I have ended up on a few times when I have been lost and following road signs - but they are labelled as an "Expressway" and look quite like a Motorway (with a cheap hard shoulder) and I would not like to ride on them
However, there is no signs saying you are not allowed until you get to the new bridge - where bikes are certainly not allowed

Naturally there are no signs saying where a cyclist should go rather than going across the bridge - just that you can;t go across the bridge

and - also naturally - all the signs direct you towards the Expressways and they all end up at the bridge (note the bridge - not The Bridge which refers to the old Bridge - just to make it simple!)

People should realise - road signs are for drivers - not cyclists
Yes there are sections of non-motorway dual carriageway in England that prohibit cyclists. The A12 down past the Olympic park in E London is one such. It's an A road with M-way type restrictions.
View attachment 725418

Not that I want to be pedantic or anything


shouldn;t that be either Animals, Motorcycles under 50cc

or Animal's motorcycles under 50cc

Just sayin'
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