Cyclists 'less human' when wearing a helmet.

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Failed Tech Bro
The worrying thing is that this is even a question.


Legendary Member
There was a study in the UK where someone who looked like a wobbling about female non-cyclist with long flapping hair got way more room than cyclists with helmets who were handling their bikes well. If I'm sensing that I'm about to get a close pass, I try to do something erratic.


When people see a member of an out-group being harmed, their brain scans show the same lack of empathy as is found in psychopaths:


There was a study in the UK where someone who looked like a wobbling about female non-cyclist with long flapping hair got way more room than cyclists with helmets who were handling their bikes well. If I'm sensing that I'm about to get a close pass, I try to do something erratic.

That was Ian Walker's study. It's interesting to read Jake Olivier's attempt to discredit it, and Walker's reply showing his analysis to be deliberately biased.


Legendary Member
That was Ian Walker's study. It's interesting to read Jake Olivier's attempt to discredit it, and Walker's reply showing his analysis to be deliberately biased.
Thanks for the info @presta. I couldn't remember who had conductied the study and wasn't aware of the aftermath.


Grand Old Lady
I remember a few years back before i got back on the bike, I was driving to Stafford. I saw a cyclist and i realised id by on his tail on a blind corner, so i held back and maintained his pace and overtook when the coast was clear after the corner. Cars behind were furious with my decision, pipping and flashing their headlights, confirming to me they would at least pass part of their MOT, but the cyclist put his thumb up and waved. How bad have things gotten that a cyclist thanks me for doing what i thought was normal and what i have always done. It's the wild west out there on a bike at times...
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