E-scooters to be allowed on public roads

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Stubborn git
I do ... generally , I am not out to wage war on miscreants, but if they impinge on my lawfull activities and come of the worse, then whose to blame?

This is totally unrelated, but perhaps it explains my attitude, many years ago I was unfortunate to be involved in a road collision, I was knocked off my bike. , I was in hospital 6 weeks, off work 7 months, and I can't say I have fully recovered, the driver 3as given 11 points ( ?) And a fine.
But perhaps I had the last laugh, I wrote off his car it was unrepairable, my lasting regret is not aiming my gist through the windscreen at him, I totally caved in his roof ,the windscreen surround was severely buckled.
I survived against the odds, but still have the metalwork in my legs from the surgical repair.
Perhaps this explains my attitude, to people whom think they can play fast and loose.
Like John Wayne is supposed 6o have said ' I won't be wronged '
He was a powder puff....

Suggests you hold the baggage still and the miscreants are suffering payback for something they didn't do. The other wierd thing is the outcome depends on how they look, as another poster pointed out.

No one is impinging on your activity and certainly doesn't deserve a shoulder in "defense".

It's no better than seeing someone jump a red-light and giving them payback. You aren't the law!


Legendary Member
You aren't the law!
That's what Judge Dredd says occasionally when he fancies a change.


South Wales
Suggests you hold the baggage still and the miscreants are suffering payback for something they didn't do. The other wierd thing is the outcome depends on how they look, as another poster pointed out.

No one is impinging on your activity and certainly doesn't deserve a shoulder in "defense".

It's no better than seeing someone jump a red-light and giving them payback. You aren't the law!

If they hit him, then they most certainly ARE "impinging on his activity". He never suggested he would make any move towards them, just that he would stand his ground, and point his shoulder at them (as the part of him most likely to be unhurt if he does get hit).

I honestly can't see why you think he is doing anything wrong.


Über Member
Suggests you hold the baggage still and the miscreants are suffering payback for something they didn't do. The other wierd thing is the outcome depends on how they look, as another poster pointed out.

No one is impinging on your activity and certainly doesn't deserve a shoulder in "defense".

It's no better than seeing someone jump a red-light and giving them payback. You aren't the law!

Perhaps I do subconsciously, deservedly so some might say, especially seeing as the punishment seemed light.....but I digress, I don't give payback to red light jumpers I might judge it poor behaviour, and will never condone it, 3specialky when i see that they get no further other side of the lights, its pointless, i live a block away from a busy traffic light controlled junction, its fairly common for traffic to crash when thev'Jump reds.
It's their decision, just the same if they hit me ,if I am on the pavement, minding my own beeswax....I am NOT playing Vigilante, but I am beggered if I will give way, .....I 'll plainly won't.
That is the point....it's their choice,


Stubborn git
Perhaps I do subconsciously, deservedly so some might say, especially seeing as the punishment seemed light.....but I digress, I don't give payback to red light jumpers I might judge it poor behaviour, and will never condone it, 3specialky when i see that they get no further other side of the lights, its pointless, i live a block away from a busy traffic light controlled junction, its fairly common for traffic to crash when thev'Jump reds.
It's their decision, just the same if they hit me ,if I am on the pavement, minding my own beeswax....I am NOT playing Vigilante, but I am beggered if I will give way, .....I 'll plainly won't.
That is the point....it's their choice,

Just let people go about their business rather than standing your ground. It's not subconscious as you are knowingly taking an active stance and determined not to move and then saying it's their choice.


Legendary Member
Just let people go about their business rather than standing your ground. It's not subconscious as you are knowingly taking an active stance and determined not to move and then saying it's their choice.
Funny you say that...

Just returned from walking Mini D to school.

On the way there we encounter a fellow on a legal trial scooter riding along the footway towards us.

I refused to move, told him he should be in the road.

"It's too dangerous," he whined.

"Not as dangerous for you as riding into my daughter would be," replied I.

I stood to my full height and spread my lats (a good lat spread separates the Reachers from the weaklings) just to make the point, while keeping my trained eye out for any potential nutter responses such as dropping the chin, ground kicking, target acquisition glances, etc (with Mini D present I'd have yielded if it looked like he'd light up on me.)

He did the maths, realised I wasn't going to move and had more physics on my side than he did, and he grudgingly dropped into the road and scurried away.

But doesn't it tell us something profound when users of legal trial scooters are telling us its too dangerous to ride them on the road?

I dont make a habit of fronting fools, preferring as I do to keep my head down, but when they impinge directly upon me and my lawful business I refuse to back down. If there were more people prepared to stand their ground and face down idiots then we would not have nearly so many people in society that think casual law breaking is perfectly acceptable.
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Stubborn git
But doesn't it tell us something profound when users of legal trial scooters are telling us its too dangerous to ride them on the road?

Definitely. I think the roads in general are becoming unsuitable for anyone who isn't mechanically propelled and capable of keeping pace to the flow of traffic. Although I would have thought those using a legal hire scheme may not have much road experience on 2 wheels.


Legendary Member
Although I would have thought those using a legal hire scheme may not have much road experience on 2 wheels.

That is my observation. Most Lime Bike riders I observe appear ignorant of basic safe cycling "rules".
Multiple shopping bags, one handed using phone, pavement riding, inconsiderate parking, lack of observation, failure to indicate, etc.

Yesterday two were parked blocking pavement access to my Doctor's surgery. Wheeling them out of the way was not possible, so I turned them upside down an carried them out of the way an left them standing on seats and bars.


Legendary Member
That is my observation. Most Lime Bike riders I observe appear ignorant of basic safe cycling "rules".
Multiple shopping bags, one handed using phone, pavement riding, inconsiderate parking, lack of observation, failure to indicate, etc.

Although the typical cyclist habit of indicating as a substitute for actually looking is just as dangerous as not indicating at all. Mind you, the average cage pilot is a matter of this technique as well.


Über Member
Just let people go about their business rather than standing your ground. It's not subconscious as you are knowingly taking an active stance and determined not to move and then saying it's their choice.

I must ask you Jody, do you ride escooters or cycle on the paving,
Might have explain why you seem so vicifouros against
My & Drago's zero tolerance.
Mind you Drago is ex-plod ,so predisposed against unsocial behaviour.


Senior Member
SW Leeds
I must ask you Jody, do you ride escooters or cycle on the paving,
Might have explain why you seem so vicifouros against
My & Drago's zero tolerance.
Mind you Drago is ex-plod ,so predisposed against unsocial behaviour.

Classic straw man argument: "you criticise my actions, therefore you must support the antisocial behaviour or even do it yourself"

I'm not speaking for them, but you are giving an impression of your actions that is reminiscent of Auriol Grey who caused the death of a female cyclist via similar "zero tolerance"


Stubborn git
I must ask you Jody, do you ride escooters or cycle on the paving,
Might have explain why you seem so vicifouros against
My & Drago's zero tolerance.
Mind you Drago is ex-plod ,so predisposed against unsocial behaviour.

Good guess but I don't ride e-scooters and rarely ride on a paved footpath. I've come across more than one person "standing their ground" on shared use paths/trails and a couple that have actively tried to block passage based on some notion of defending their territory. It's sad really.

Like I say, just let others be.


Stubborn git
I'm not speaking for them, but you are giving an impression of your actions that is reminiscent of Auriol Grey who caused the death of a female cyclist via similar "zero tolerance"


The cyclist was breaking the law but that didn't mean Auriol had a right to take action.

Detective Sergeant Mark Dollard

""Everyone will have their own views of cyclists on pavements and cycleways, but what is clear is Grey's response to the presence of Celia on a pedal cycle was totally disproportionate and ultimately found to be unlawful"

Holding a stick up to an approaching rider or leaning in on them is the same as what she did.
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