How much do you eat per day?

How many calories do you consume per day, on average?

  • Sub 2000kcal - I run on fresh air!

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • 2001-3000kcal

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • 3001-4000kcal

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • 4001-5000kcal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5001-6000kcal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6001kcal plus - food intake of a small family

    Votes: 3 15.0%

  • Total voters
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Someone posted an interesting link on another thread regarding a study that seemed to show that your body was pretty amazing and no matter what your output, your calorie burn would stabilise. It may be of interest.


Jon in Sweden

Jon in Sweden

Well-Known Member
I don’t know, I don’t count calories. I’m 1.80m and 69kg, 13.9% body fat according to my weekly weigh in on my body composition scales. Weight pretty stable.

I don’t diet, and tend to take the approach of fuelling my workouts, to get the most out of them. Your calorie consumption seems high, but you are over 2m and weigh a lot at 100kg. Thus just those numbers will mean you burn more calories than if you were lighter, and shorter.

Do you feel fit and healthy and not carrying lots of body fat? What do you want to achieve body wise? (If anything)

Yeah, I feel really good. I'm 14 months and 13000km back into cycling after a long lay-off. I completed as a kid, but very little in the intervening 20 years.

I'm probably as fit now as was a kid and bodyfat is dropping steadily as I seem to be in a very slight calorie deficit.

I just find the numbers side of food intake very interesting. It's fascinating that two outwardly similar people need radically different amounts of food to sustain the same workload.
Jon in Sweden

Jon in Sweden

Well-Known Member
IMO 90Kg is not big

It is for an elite level cyclist.

I should add, I am a million miles away from that level, but I do a lot of fairly high intensity miles these days.


Legendary Member
I'm guessing around 3000 calories. 192cm, 126kg, bodybuilder of sorts. A lot of lean chicken, rice, pulses, more steak than perhaps the average person would eat. I don't count calories as such but I am a little careful not to OD on obviously bad stuff

"Another cream cake Mr Farquhar?"

"No thank you Vicar, I'm watching my figure."


I find this, particularly after cycling but not so much after running for some reason.

I find that too, cycling makes me hunt for coffee and cake shops on longer rides. Running less so! Running eats more calories than cycling.

Haha! No - some sort of fatty Swedish sausage. I usually eat quite cleanly, but this was reduced and looked appealing.

Mark Beaumont is quite a big guy too, if I recall correctly (around 90kg). I just think I'm at the extreme end of the calorie burn spectrum. He's clearly a lot more efficient than me.

I am very warm, a lot of time. I always have been. I think that excessive exothermic tendency causes me to burn more energy than most. Though I revert to a more typical baseline if I'm not exercising.

WVA at 80kg is one of the biggest in the tour.

Maybe Mark should have been Cav leadout man!🤣

I'm 178cm 72.5kg. I eat too much I if got down to 70kg I reckon my 5k time would drop a minute and my cycling average would rise by a mph!
Slightly off topic - but some years ago I went to the Doc's for a "Men's health Check" so got weighed and all that

The nurses warned me that I had crossed over the line and was now classified as obese (one fo the reasons I got a bike!)

which annoyed me as I didn;t think I was too bad
a day or so later I was due somewhere and it was one of those days
I got ready and came down stairs - realised I was late but had left the car keys upstairs
so RAN up the stairs
came back down - to realise I had left something else upstaits so ran back up and down

just leaving and the pone rang (landline) so answered it and had a short conversation with someone
then left

WHile driving to the appointment I realised that I had just been told I was obese - and today I had RUN up and down stairs twice and then conducted a perfectly normal phone conversation without being short of breath

which doesn't sound to me like someone who is obese!!

so - in my opinion I would rather base things on what you can do - if you can only just get out of you armchair and go upstairs - then assuming there are no other problems causing it (asthma maybe!) then you have a problem
if you can go up and down stairs just fine and talk easily afterwards then you can;t be too bad!


Slightly off topic - but some years ago I went to the Doc's for a "Men's health Check" so got weighed and all that

The nurses warned me that I had crossed over the line and was now classified as obese (one fo the reasons I got a bike!)

which annoyed me as I didn;t think I was too bad
a day or so later I was due somewhere and it was one of those days
I got ready and came down stairs - realised I was late but had left the car keys upstairs
so RAN up the stairs
came back down - to realise I had left something else upstaits so ran back up and down

just leaving and the pone rang (landline) so answered it and had a short conversation with someone
then left

WHile driving to the appointment I realised that I had just been told I was obese - and today I had RUN up and down stairs twice and then conducted a perfectly normal phone conversation without being short of breath

which doesn't sound to me like someone who is obese!!

so - in my opinion I would rather base things on what you can do - if you can only just get out of you armchair and go upstairs - then assuming there are no other problems causing it (asthma maybe!) then you have a problem
if you can go up and down stairs just fine and talk easily afterwards then you can;t be too bad!

You can be over your recommended weight and still be reasonably fit, but you are still over weight.


Über Member
I dont like big cooked meals and prefer a few lighter snacks throughout the day. I was done with all that breakfast, lunch, dinner thing years ago.
I've just stopped eating all biscuits and drinking fizzy drinks and have lost 3 kg in a few weeks without trying. Thats to save my teeth really as they are really heavily filled and I dont want to end up with dentures in my 50s.
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