HR Zones and heat/sweat

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Senior Member
I have been training indoors on a wattbike in my local gym for the past 3months, I have all my power and HR zones figured out and I know how my HR and Watts output marry up.

My Z2 rides are 130-141bpm and 175-190w

However I have recently acquired a smart trainer and have begun training at home using that.

At the gym there are no fans allowed and I am usually drowning in my own sweat and getting my HR to 130bpm is not a problem.

Since I am at home I have the luxury of a fan beside me which has made a huge difference to my comfort levels whilst training, considerably less sweat, and as expected my HR is lower by around 8-9bpm.

Ihave just completed a Z2 ride where my HR averaged 121bpm and power 191watts. My level of exertion felt the same as I would do in the gym.

So here is my question…..

Should I push harder (more watts) in order to get my HR in Z2 and increase watt output or should I just take into consideration the fact my HR is lower due to being cooler and make my z2 hr to 120-125bpm?

13 rider

Your measuring 2 metrics power and heart rate ,I would suspect the zones do not completely align,Heart rate has lots of variables where as a watt is a watt so I would concentrate of power z2 and your heart rate will be what it is

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Z2 range is about a 10% range of your max, thus it should be wider than 5-6bpm. I’d expect it to be be a range of about 15-20 bpm, provided you are not in old age yet.


This depends on whether the OP is building an aerobic base, through regular Z2 training.

You can do it both ways.

Listen to your body and monitor HR, adjust power/effort to keep your HR in Z2 range, especially on longer rides where HR will drift upwards as fatigue creeps in.

Or ride to set power for Z2 and over time your HR will reduce a little as you become more aerobically fit.

Second option is neglecting listening to your body.

I prefer option 1 because we all have good and bad days in performance. Adjusting training to listen to how you feel is important to not allow over training become a problem.


Legendary Member
It probably depends who you ask. Some coaches say a Z2 effort (or any "zone" effort) should be based purely on "feel" rather than riding to any particular target watts or HR at all.

This is because your watts or HR can be quite variable depending on your condition/fatigue on the day and other environmental factors (as you've found), but what matters to get the results you're after is the level of perceived effort.

Peter Salt

Yorkshire, UK
I tend to stick to power for Z2. HR is affected by too many things - a bit colder and it changes, bad night sleep will make a difference, minor infection and it varies... Etc.

[EDIT]: Are you planning to try virtual riding, @fraz101?
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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
HR is affected by too many things - a bit colder and it changes

Changes compared to what?
I tend to stick to power for Z2. HR is affected by too many things - a bit colder and it changes, bad night sleep will make a difference, minor infection and it varies... Etc.

[EDIT]: Are you planning to try virtual riding, @fraz101?

The idea I think behind sticking to HR for recovery stuff is for that variability reason. It supposed to be a recovery and power can lead you training too hard when your a little sick or the temperature is not optimum.


Senior Member
I tend to stick to power for Z2. HR is affected by too many things - a bit colder and it changes, bad night sleep will make a difference, minor infection and it varies... Etc.

[EDIT]: Are you planning to try virtual riding, @fraz101?

Yes I’ve started using FulGaz

berty bassett

Legendary Member
Good luck with your plans
You are going to get loads of different answers because people on here find a way that works for them and it’s not always the same way . For me , heat and fans make a massive difference - you try a hard session without fans and then one with . If I was to do a zone 2 then I wouldn’t bother with a fan and just keep eye on heart more than power , if you are under the weather your heart will let you know . I like sometimes working hard without main fan on then on ‘race’ day putting it on full belt , makes a difference for me but be sure others will frown on my personal choice - enjoy experimenting 👍


Here is a GCN video regarding heart rate monitors versus power meters. They both have their upsides and downsides, one being expense.


I can concur with the wrist HR from watches is poor reliable device. I have the latest Garmin smart watch and its terrible at giving reliable riding HR, sometimes 40-50bpm under reads compared to my Wahoo Tickr chest HR monitor.

I find the Garmin watch does give pretty accurate readings when in a resting position- but would never use it for anything else re HR
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