FNRttC Manchester-Blackpool FNRttC, 1st September 2023.

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Andrew Br

Andrew Br

Still part of the team !
On the Manchester contingent's route home, where would be the best point to peel off for Liverpool?

Peeling off somewhere south of Preston would seem to make most sense.
I'll post the route when I've done the route checks so that you can plan what suits you best SA3BR.
On the manchester contingent's route home, where would be the best point to peel off for liverpool?

Pick up the A59 in preston (via the guild wheel)


Random geezer
Thanks DCLane.
The ride leaders are very direct on this; someone did drive home after a FNRttC and had an accident.

Specifically: the ghastly details are that a rider who ignored the rule about not driving home without sleep after a Fridays night ride drove into someone and killed them. Break that rule and you're likely to be banned. It's a hard and fast rule, it's not merely friendly advice.
Andrew Br

Andrew Br

Still part of the team !
Evening everyone.
You're all bcc'ed again and, hopefully, anonymized....

The train strikes have got worse.
AIUI, ASLEF are striking on Friday 1st September so getting to MCR for the "out of towners" may be difficult and then there are the RMT issues on Saturday 2nd.

Updating you all on the ride:-
I did a route check of B/Pool back to MCR yesterday. It's, mostly, excellent but there is a section I'd like to improve. Avoid the canal; variable surface, puncture on the recce.
Missing that section may mean some more A road exposure. I'm planning another route check next Sunday so, hopefully, I'll be able to find alternatives. If not, we'll stick with the original route and just take it easy. You can all swim right ?
Food options for the "round trip" group:- breakfast at Wetherspoons in either Lytham St Anne's or Preston (Preston most likely considering expected timings). Alternatively, and based on yesterday's experience, there's the option of a coffee at the Costa/Morisson's garage at PR4 0XB and then we press on to https://visitpreston.com/food-and-drink/Pavilion-Cafe

This^ (caveat, I'm hoping to call in next Monday on a further route check; you're welcome) is my preferred option.

More info after next weekend's "final" route check. It'll be along the new route into B/Pool and then back to MCR via whatever improvements I can come up with based on yesterday's ride.

If you think you need to drop out, no problem (but I hope you don't have to). We're using "commercial" establishments for food so no-one is opening up to cater for us. Letting me know by 23.30, 1st September works. Earlier is better.
If you are going ahead with the ride and travelling up from London Village I suggest getting to Euston in plenty of time.
Just sayin' 😉

As always, I'm happy to answer any questions,



On the manchester contingent's route home, where would be the best point to peel off for liverpool?

The shortest route is through Preston, then Leyland and Ecclestone - at least, that's the route I've always taken when I've done this ride - though I was heading to Ormskirk to catch the train there. You'd probably be better skiirting Ormskirk to the east and heading just west of Kirkby.

Alas I'm not able to make the ride this year, so I'll just have to make do with reading all the ride reports after and wish you all good weather and a lack of incidents!


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Hopefully you've got a decent group and good weather. I've ended up with some sort of bug and am in bed xx( so won't be riding after all. Next year ...
Andrew Br

Andrew Br

Still part of the team !
I did a further route check of Manchester-Blackpool-Manchester yesterday and Sunday. I still have a small section to look at and I'm planning to do that on Thursday evening.
The rest of the route works well so, unless something significant changes I'll go with it and I'll email the gpx out to anyone who wants it.
I need to update the file but this won't happen Thursday evening or Friday morning.
I've removed the canal section so you can leave your water wings at home.

Food stops:-
Euro Garages on the M65 Services in Brownhill, Blackburn on the way out.
Either The Railway Hotel in Lytham St Annes or the Pavilion cafe in Preston. My preference is the cafe but we'll see how we're going and how the group is feeling.
If we opt for the cafe, there is the possibility to call at the Costa Coffee for a quick "booster" to get us into Preston.
If anyone needs further stops then we'll do that; it's quite a long ride and energy levels can fluctuate. Ask on the ride and I'll try to find somewhere.
The route to Blackpool is very hilly before Blackburn and there is a climb up to Longridge from Ribchester. After that it's very flat.
The return route is also quite flat with a climb around Rivington and again through Bolton.
Lots of the route is off road but on good surfaces. I tend to ride a gravel bike but I think it'll be fine on 25mm tyres.

More info when I've finished route checking and finalised the gpx file.
If you have any questions before Friday, please let me know.



After 11 hours sleep, can I just say thanks to the other 4 riders for their company on my longest ever ride. 166.5 Kms door to door.
Andrew went above and beyond with his route finding after the train strike announcement. It would have been so easy to cancel the ride altogether.
Thanks again Andrew.


Active Member
After a snack, I headed south a bit from blackpool searching for a nearer breakfast, than the 4 double distancing fnrttc&smrttm(anchester)ers heading for Preston cafe: I stopped short at St Annes by the Sea* (Railway station of that name) because that seemed far enough south cycling before going back north again and it had several suitable breakfast suppliers including an open wetherspoons and costa (the cafe nero was not opened up yet) but......

*Interestingly? the village Railway station is called St Annes by the Sea but the village is marked Lytham St Annes on osm, whereas the rides original official breakfast destination the railway inn seems to be in plain lytham by osm .
Andrew Br

Andrew Br

Still part of the team !
Thanks for the kind words folks both on-line and via email, it was a very stressful lead-up to the ride as the train strikes were announced but, in the end, I think it was worth it. I'm certainly pleased with how it turned out.
Once the strikes were in place, I could only think of two options; cancel or ride back. I figured that, if I changed the destination to Blackpool and took a more direct route than usual I could come up with a viable and manageable route.
Particular thanks are due to friends Lucy and Steve (neither are regular Fridays although Steve did York-Hull last year) for their help with route planning and their excellent company on the two major route checks that I managed to fit in. We had a great night in Blackpool on the 2nd route check; there was beer and everything !
Understandably, several of the potential riders from outside of MCR had to withdraw either because they couldn't get to the start or to home, illness or the return trip would be too far. That left us with 7 riders confirmed, two of whom would join us in North MCR. Two of the registered riders didn't show up at the start and, despite ringing them, 3 of us left Victoria Station bang on midnight collecting the 1st rider near Prestwich Forest Park and the other in Bury.
As usual, we stopped in Bury to remember Alan and to leave flowers for him. Then the climbing, which this ride is noted for, started. Up through Tottington, down and up a couple of dips to Edgworth and then the long, long climb through Crowthorne to the Grane Road peaking at over 340 metres/1120 feet. It has to be said that the weather was terrific; not too cold, relatively still and dry. I'll settle for that every time.
There was very little traffic on the descent of Grane and we made good time to the food stop at the Euro Garages on Whitebirk Services. We arrived bang on 03.00 and, again, I would have settled for that. The guy on the till recognised us from last time and he joked with us about storing the bike while one of our number went to A&E.
We left about 03.50 and I then made the traditional wrong turns before I finally got us to Whalley New Road and the schlep out of Blackburn.
After a brief stop in Ribchester we headed up towards Longridge. The climb doesn't get any easier with familiarity but we all made it in fine style before we picked up the new route and my stress levels increased; I'd only ridden this route twice and both times were in daylight. Thankfully we didn't have too much time in complete dark as the sky gradually got lighter behind us as the sun rose.
My Garmin gave a couple of strange turn suggestions but, with input from the group, we soon got back on route. It was a good idea to share the gpx files with all the riders. This isn't normal Friday's practise but it worked well in these unusual circumstances.
There was a brief overlap of the return route in Kirkham then it was through quiet lanes, a lovely off road section through Stanley Park before our arrival at Blackpool Tower bang on 07.00. Result !
The group then set off South along the Prom towards Lytham before one of our number turned back to, I think, ride to Fleetwood to camp there. I was flagging a little at this stage and I figured if I was, the others were probably doing the same so I suggested we head to the Wetherspoons for breakfast. I knew it opened at 08.00 and I'd noticed that we'd get there at 08.00 and so it proved. We were the 1st customers and the rest and refreshment was very welcome.
Pushing on after about 60 minutes we hit the (mainly) quiet roads to the west of Preston before we got to the lovely off road section past Preston Marina and into Avenham Park for a coffee stop at the Pavilion café (recommended). It was about 10.40 by now and, after a 40 minute stop we hit more terrific off road trails through Avenham and then into Cuerden Valley Park.
After that (and with advice from a local member of the group) we ditched the climb to Rivington and stuck with the busy A6 through Chorley and on to Fredericks Ice Cream at Charnock Heath. We got there at 12.15. After a 30 minute stop (yes, ice cream was consumed) the 2 South MCR riders parted ways with the 2 North MCR riders and we continued along the A6 to near Middlebrook before we (eventually, I struggled to find it) picked up another excellent off road route into Bolton.
Traversing Bolton is a bit rubbish (lots of glass, lots of traffic and some notable hills) but it was very effective at getting us in short order onto the top of the Roe Green Loop line (more excellent off road) for the long, long descent to Monton.
After that, it was an on road schlep past the Traffic Centre to The Beech in Chorlton(CH). We arrived there just after 14.30.
We had a couple of beers sat in the sun before we parted company; me to have another beer and the other rider to head for home.
When I finally got home (I stopped at Stretford Mall to collect a parcel, a dropper suspension seat post; it had to be bike related didn't it ?) I'd done 212km, the longest ride of 2023.

In retrospect, it was well worth the effort and the stress to organise this. Many, many thanks to the group who rode with me and thanks for your input and patience when I was leading us astray and bloody well done on completing the route.
I'm hoping to be able to lead another Manchester based FNRttC in 2024. I'd like to go to Morecambe as I'd planned for this year. I'll be tempted to stay over and ride some or all of the way back on the Sunday, we'll see !
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