MyWhoosh vs Zwift

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Über Member
Mywhoosh is a 13.5 gig file, and requires a decent spec of hardware, I've downloaded it, looks like swift lite, will give it a go tomorrow and report back


Senior Member
I like MyWhoosh and prefer it to Zwift - because free!

I don't enjoy indoor training so do so as little as possible and don't need Zwift racing, Zwift Group rides etc.

I only need a platform where I can do one, maximum two, hours indoors on the days the weather is bad enough to keep me from venturing outside.


Failed Tech Bro
MyWhoosh is effectively the software arm of the UAE‘s push into cycling. No judgement here, but it explains the Middle East focus. DC Rainmaker has had a few goes on it. First impressions here, although there are more updates.

Their business model appears to be a push into esports-type events with big prize money.
It’s a huge download for those that are on slower internet speeds and, as said above, needs a decently specced PC to run on. No Mac or Apple TV version yet and the iPad version requires one with the M1 chip.

After downloading it on my AMD powered laptop it constantly crashed on load so had to repeat the download on my other Intel one. Despite the size of the download the graphics are uninspiring and, at times, even a 11th generation i5 with 16 Gb of RAM, running on an SSD struggled at times.

It’s free and that’s the best thing about it. It needs to become a significantly more efficient piece of software and support more devices for me.


South London
I've be using Rouvy quite a lot the last couple of months and really enjoying it. I find it more engaging than Zwift for just getting the hours in on a trainer, and the virtual scenery is very good, with loads of choice.

I'm not into racing so not sure how it stacks up against Zwift, but I believe numbers are a lot lower. Definitely worth a trial imo
Since Zwift seems to not like my windows laptop lately ( works fine on ipad) I tried Rouvy and the biggest difference for me is the way Rouvy handles uphills and downhills, with Zwift I never run out of gears either up or down hills and can bomb down a hill at 60 mph on zwift still being able to push power and handle the stiffest of climbs 9% still got cogs left 15% still pushing with a gear to go if I want. On rouvy it feels exactly the same as when I really ride my bike, ie up a moderately steep climb 9% I am on the granny ring not done a 15% yet but I might need to get off and walk LOL, downhill I spin out at around 40mph.
I dont know if anyone else feels this with Rouvy versus Zwift ( note trainer is Zwift hub)


South Wales
I use Rouvy, though haven't been on during the summer.

I much prefer it over Zwift because it uses real video, rather than cartoons. I know a lot of people like the video game feel of Zwift, but personally I don't.

Rouvy even includes some of the routes I have ridden in real life, and quite a few of the "iconic" climbs and other routes.


South Wales
Since Zwift seems to not like my windows laptop lately ( works fine on ipad) I tried Rouvy and the biggest difference for me is the way Rouvy handles uphills and downhills, with Zwift I never run out of gears either up or down hills and can bomb down a hill at 60 mph on zwift still being able to push power and handle the stiffest of climbs 9% still got cogs left 15% still pushing with a gear to go if I want. On rouvy it feels exactly the same as when I really ride my bike, ie up a moderately steep climb 9% I am on the granny ring not done a 15% yet but I might need to get off and walk LOL, downhill I spin out at around 40mph.
I dont know if anyone else feels this with Rouvy versus Zwift ( note trainer is Zwift hub)

I think Zwift defaults to 50% "reality" on hills. So 15% will feel like 7.5%.
I think Zwift defaults to 50% "reality" on hills. So 15% will feel like 7.5%.
hmm I did a quick google and from this is a big,capped at 6-8%.

Higher-end direct-drive trainers can replicate gradients of 20% or more, but lower-priced smart trainers such as the popular Tacx Vortex Flow may only be capable of replicating the resistance of a 6-8% climb. If you set your Trainer Difficulty to 100% and your smart trainer can only replicate a 6% incline, that means the resistance you feel at 6% will be the same at 15%. Which isn’t ideal!

And this is a big reason why Zwift defaults to 50% Trainer Difficulty – because it allows even lower-end smart trainers to continue adding resistance as you hit steeper climbs, even if the trainer is capped at 6-8%.

On further googling I find the Zwift Hub can handle up to 16% gradients, so should be fine unless I have got the trainer settings incorrect in Zwift game, when I get home I will have to check what the trainer difficulty is set to , I didnt know the setting existed!


Über Member
Ok did a quick workout on MYWhoosh this morning, for comparison I use a KickR and Stages HR monitor, linked to an i7 @2.1Ghz, SSD, 16GB ram,X64 running windows 11 or 9th Gen iPad ruining A13 Bionic chip, as zwift hates my laptop also @HarryTheDog , needed 16gig of space to run on the IPad but didn't want to delete all my daughters games so didn't try it.:angel:
All paired up with windows quickly, into the menu trying to find a MyBunch ride at my speed, these as you know run 24/7 on zwift and you can join as you want and do the miles you want at the advertised pace, not on MyWhoosh, they start at set times and nothing else so a solo ride it was. :angry:
Now I consider my laptop to be OK , its sits right in the middle of the required spec, but to get some smooth rolling graphics akin to Zwift i had to lower the graphics settings. The ride was good and I feel the statistics , HR ,power, speed , cadaence etc;, are a lot closer to the real world, in Zwift i can roll around with a bot pacer at 20mph, here i only reached that speed when I could find someone to draft, and there was quite a few on there. The inclines felt a lot harder than Zwift and at the end I was more knackered than a similar Zwift ride, and my average speed was down to normal road/real world speeds, :angry:
So its free , I would say more real world results than Zwift, its free, but the space, 16 gig, the lack of choices and the graphics let it down, but they can be improved , and its free.
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New Member
I am Rouvy rider and very satisfied with the app. I like the selection of real-world routes and the possibility to check out some of the "iconic" climbs when in mood. Also, I used to ride on Zwift but got tired of the virtual world. And now, Rouvy has a good subscription option. If you have couple of friends, or at least one you can save some money with "family subscriptions", worth checking out.


Über Member
I'm jumping around trying to find one I like, I'm using IndieVelo at the moment, it's like early versions of zwift but with pacing riders for both racers and group rides, I like it, it's also free which makes me like it more,


I'm jumping around trying to find one I like, I'm using IndieVelo at the moment, it's like early versions of zwift but with pacing riders for both racers and group rides, I like it, it's also free which makes me like it more,

Zwift has pacing riders for all levels of rider. I understand the free aspect
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