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berty bassett

Legendary Member
Here we go
I believe that Keith , being a premium member can create magic roads , and send out invites
I can’t speak for him , but I can’t see why it wouldn’t be possible to put local gpxs here or somewhere and if he had time , he could make a road up from this
At the minute I am not premium but thinking about doing it as I am actually 14 notes up a month dropping Zwift and then I will give it a go
At the minute I believe it’s still basic and although it replicates the profile well , scenery is much the same where ever you go
There is talk of them adding scenery packs in the future to make it more like the area but as long as the elevation is right , other stuff is just a bonus
I believe that it takes them about 5 mins to get your gpx up and running so far
This could all be a figment of my imagination


Our tech guru @berty bassett we able to shed some light on this ^_^
@berty bassett is indisposed dishing dirt in another thread at the moment so I will deputise for him. You are absolutely right @kipster. In fact all you need if you want to be penny pinching is the organiser of the group with premium membership and you send him your gpx file and he makes the magic roads and events. Events can be private or public, either way non premium can join them.


Senior Member
Well that was fun, managed to hold on for longer than usual before getting dropped. Sorry for not dropping back to help you @berty bassett honestly I did feel guilty for a few seconds but the desire to not be 3rd Unkooler over the line yet again was too strong. :evil::laugh:

Good to see so many BigRing jerseys swarming around the front!


That was great fun, managed to get a good start and the front group worked well, hr was good and red and I knew I wouldnt be able to hold it for the entire ride so was glad to get spat out the back as I could have a rest. Keith tried to help me but right then I had nothing.
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First rule of unkool club
If they show a moments weakness - scalp them
Well deserved mate
No prisoners !
I must not get dropped. I can ride strong and catch people once I'm dropped but it's happening too often. I seem to drift to the back of the group and then, boom too late, the guy in front doesn't hold the wheel and I'm gone.
Climbing tomorrow.....:smile::smile:


Senior Member
No prisoners !
I must not get dropped. I can ride strong and catch people once I'm dropped but it's happening too often. I seem to drift to the back of the group and then, boom too late, the guy in front doesn't hold the wheel and I'm gone.
Climbing tomorrow.....:smile::smile:
It is frustrating, at 45secs I'm leading the field and without going under 330w I get auto braked by 10kmh and out of the group by 52seconds, thankfully it's at the start of the race so legs are fresh enough to get back on. There's room for improvement in the group dynamics, I think if they can do it they're on a winner. It's a bit of a dice roll, hopefully it evens out for everyone, doesn't help your mood when it happens though.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_De6Cr39TZI


Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
It is frustrating, at 45secs I'm leading the field and without going under 330w I get auto braked by 10kmh and out of the group by 52seconds, thankfully it's at the start of the race so legs are fresh enough to get back on. There's room for improvement in the group dynamics, I think if they can do it they're on a winner. It's a bit of a dice roll, hopefully it evens out for everyone, doesn't help your mood when it happens though.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_De6Cr39TZI

The same thing happened to me Andy. I didn’t feel like I was in any trouble at all really. But I notice the pack sort of moves like a flock of birds over taking each other constantly. It’s like everyone is constantly yoyoing. I was sat at the front then I’m at the back, we hit a small climb at a bad time for me and I’m flung off the back. Dunno what to make of it really... I kind of lost interest after that if I’m honest. I’m quite far off where I was the end of last year so I’m not saying I’d of been there at the end of it wasn’t for that. But that does seem a bit quirky to me. I’ve only done two rides though so this isn’t me forming an opinion yet. I’ll persevere!

well done all! 👍👍


The same thing happened to me Andy. I didn’t feel like I was in any trouble at all really. But I notice the pack sort of moves like a flock of birds over taking each other constantly. It’s like everyone is constantly yoyoing. I was sat at the front then I’m at the back, we hit a small climb at a bad time for me and I’m flung off the back. Dunno what to make of it really... I kind of lost interest after that if I’m honest. I’m quite far off where I was the end of last year so I’m not saying I’d of been there at the end of it wasn’t for that. But that does seem a bit quirky to me. I’ve only done two rides though so this isn’t me forming an opinion yet. I’ll persevere!

well done all! 👍👍
Yes, I was catching you and I thought you were sitting up for me but you weren't. Then that strong guy came and suddenly you were flying again. Stick with it. We've only been there a month so are still learning and there has been general criticism of the pack dynamics. What I do like is the variety of things on offer, tomorrow evening I've got a climb but would quite like to do the handicap at the same time. It's great to be riding with you again.


Senior Member
In the 12 rides we did in 'Tour du Monde' it seemed to be worse when it's a large number of fast moving cyclists, when there's been acomplex or uphill course it's not been a factor at all. Now we know about this 'feature' it adds a new dynamic to the racing, you have to keep a close eye on either your speed or position relative to everyone else, if you see yourself drifting back quickly then you've had one of these auto-braking 'kicks' that needs to be addressed immediately or you'll go out of the back, the cost of losing the draft completely would be trying to cycle at 50kmh on your own which is almost futile. There might be some techniques that we can use to reduce/avoid the problem but I haven't found it yet.
The good news is everyone's in the same boat, we're all at risk of being randomly punched in the face. :laugh:


Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
Yes, I was catching you and I thought you were sitting up for me but you weren't. Then that strong guy came and suddenly you were flying again. Stick with it. We've only been there a month so are still learning and there has been general criticism of the pack dynamics. What I do like is the variety of things on offer, tomorrow evening I've got a climb but would quite like to do the handicap at the same time. It's great to be riding with you again.

I’ll say this Keith. Something happened during the race that gave me a good chuckle.

After I got dumped out of the front pack I went into a ‘bit’ of a sulk. I didn’t even notice it was you that overtook me until after you were past me to be honest. Life was big big old bitter pill, that I was struggling to swallow. Then kipster came flying past me in a group of 4 or so and I thought, ‘well I might as well jump in with them!’. So I’m in the group now, and we’re all going along fine. Then we get to this hill. I put in a bit of a dig and I drop everyone else apart from one guy. I must be just ahead of him when we get to the summit. But by this point I have sweat dripping off of me as you do. A bit of sweat must of come from my forehead and landed right on the phone screen. which is sat in front of my handlebars. Because the next thing I know, I’m giving this guy the ‘see ya later’ wave. Well, all I can say was it was like a red rag to a bull. Because he put his foot down and disappeared off my screen in front of me in about 5 seconds flat!

I have to say it cheered me right up :laugh:

I will persevere mate. I’ve treated all the cycling apps like computer games rather than expecting them to replicate cycling to the letter. So it’s not the end of the world. I was just surprised by the way the group works together. I think they have some work to do there.
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