Vätternrundan 2023

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Jon in Sweden

Well-Known Member
At the weekend I completed my first Vätternrundan. It's a 315km cycle event, going anti-clockwise around Sweden's second largest lake. This was the 58th Vätternrundan, and around 13000 people did the full distance ride (there are shorter rides earlier in the week).

It was a great experience, albeit I didn't know what to expect really. I set off with two friends from our village at 01:16, and kept with them for the first 110km. After that, I went off ahead as I'm faster. I teamed up with a German chap for the next 160km. We then had the comical situation of dragging as many as 40 other people along in our slipstreams with hardly a one of them prepared to do any time on the front. I just found it funny, TBH, though it irritated my new German friend!

Towards the end, I found a second wind and joined a fast group as it passed, and averaged nearly 40kph for the last 25-30km. It was a real buzz being part of a peleton.

Not a quick time (10hrs 22m moving, 11hrs 33m total) as I held back due to inexperience and also was on the front for 250km at least. I plan to join a fairly fast group next year and get the moving time down to close to 9hrs.

I really recommend it as an event. Very well organised, limitless and tasty food, snacks and drinks and a great atmosphere.


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13 rider

Well done , I was suppose to ride it in 2020 but the pandemic put a halt to that . Need the find the enthusiasm to get booked in again . I take it they are allowing international riders again
Jon in Sweden

Jon in Sweden

Well-Known Member
Well done , I was suppose to ride it in 2020 but the pandemic put a halt to that . Need the find the enthusiasm to get booked in again . I take it they are allowing international riders again

Sorry to hear that you missed out.

Yeah, loads of international riders. The biggest contingent being German, but I chatted to folk from Norway too, and saw a few Brits on the way around.
Jon in Sweden

Jon in Sweden

Well-Known Member
A good friend of mine rode it this year with 3 or 4 mates. Her very short initial report was "I loved it. I wasn’t the fastest rider ever but possibly the happiest." By far her longest ride, previously just 1 imperial century.
Sounds like enduro fun.

Fantastic that she had such a great time. I spoke to a grinning British girl of around 17-18 at the finish line. Unlikely to be the same person, but nevertheless, it's lovely to see people making such a long trip to be part of the event.

The nice thing is that the atmosphere is mostly very chilled. The rest stops were full of happy, tired looking people enjoying the route, the bikes, the weather and the general vibe.

I must admit that I got quite emotional for a moment as I came to the final corner before the finish. I was descending towards the Göta Canal (part of Lake Vättern), the street was barriered, lined with cheering public, I was a little overcome by the sheer spectacle of it all.

I'm really looking forward to next years ride :biggrin:
I rode it back in 2009, when I was heavier but younger. @Shadow it sounds like your friend had the best time.

Yes, she did. She is an upbeat girl though.
Yet it has taken me years to persuade her to try a FNRttC. This year she did only because of the Vatternrundan, to have experience of riding thru the night. It will be interesting if I can persuade to try another. I have promised her it will be better than her first one in early April when it was very very very cold!

Edit: thanks for your advice.
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