Vegetarian Christmas lunch

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I don't do Aldi ;)

Whaaaatttt :boxing:


Legendary Member
I do the Xmas dinner as MrsF can't multitask and used to go into meltdown. I cater for 4 meat eaters, 2 vegi's and my vegan daughter, it is a right palaver.

This goes down well with "normal" Xmas accompaniments & veg gravy, I like it on sandwiches with salt too.


I liked Quorn Roast. Used to buy it when the kids were young (4 brought up vegetarian). Don't buy it now that they've all left home. My wife, like @vickster can't stand quorn products.

How about Mushroom filo pies?

Sorry forgot the fungus bit


An Peanut
I'm not hosting, I am a guest :biggrin:

Even better, sit back and make your hosts squirm as they struggle to accommodate you :smile:

Being serious, I would let them know that you will turn up with a small one pot for the oven and that they don't need to go for extra effort for you. The nut roast, although a cliche, looks ideal.


Obviously an Aubergine
When our whole family were veggie I used to do a fancy pants three layer nut roast.. One part cashews and mushroom, one part chestnut and tomato, and the third spinach and walnut.. All with onions, herbs etc in each layer too..

Might be a bit of a fiddle for one person.. Although if you made it bigger, the others could try some too..

Can be made well in advance, and then reheated (even microwaved) on the day..

Substitute the mushrooms with something else you do like, such as grated carrot.

Of course simplest is to buy a ready made thingy from a shop.. But they're often a bit on the bland and boring side :blink:
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