When would you like 'to go' ?

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This is a boiled frog question.....

If your decline into decripitude is the normal gradual one, then why would today be the day you want to go rather than yesterday, or tomorrow.........they all feel identical. So you never get to throw yourself off a cliff when you are still capable of it, and by the time you know you badly want to throw yourself off a cliff, it's too late, as you're incapable of managing the feat alone.


Legendary Member
I really don't care. I know my family will be distraught when it happens but they'll get over it (as I did when my dad passed away). Mid 60s now, I enjoy life but understand it's not going on forever. Don't want to suffer and would rather be "hit by a bus" while doing something I enjoy than the months of suffering I watched my dad go through with his cancer.


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
At an old age, in as spectacular fashion as possible.

Ideally seeking refuge in a nuclear reactor containment building while fighting terrorists, while also being chased by an escaped tiger, and if all goes well I'll stagger and collapse where the boundaries of three different force areas meet. By my reckoning that'll be heaps of paperwork for at least 6 different organisations.

But that's assuming I remain full of him and vigour. If I were bed bound or the like I think I'd want to go sooner rather than later.

If I should die in the food aisle at M&S I'd like one of those little roadside shrines.
And there was I thinking you'd like to go under a stampede of adoring female fans after a particularly good set.
My wife has stated that she has to go first

not for any romantic reasons but because she doesn;t want to move and she can;t live in this house on her own
the nearest shop is out of walking range for her and she can;t drive

Of course - she could listen to me and get a mobility scooter but she "isn;t at that stage yet" - she will probably admit she is "at that stage" when she can no longer sit on the damn thing!

Anyway - she has to go first so I get all the hassle of funerals etc

Oh - and she wants a forest burial but won;t say what that means


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
I'd like as long as possible while my quality of life is enjoyable, then I'd like to go quickly.

This (69 years) is the best time of my life - I'd be delighted to have another 10 to 15 years of living with Ms AU in our own home, and I'm doing what I can to achieve that.

I've drafted my healthcare wishes and shared them with the people I love; they made some good suggestions which I incorporated. They have a copy of the final document.


Nearly 68, fantastic time of life, and I have had a very good one to date.

If I get to 85 (maybe a bit more) in good physical and mental shape followed by a rapid and painless out, then that will do nicely.

I'm a bit surprised at how fast it has gone though. Cest la vie.

I'm also pro assisted death too if needs must. I don't want to linger if my time is up.


Legendary Member
Aged 77 my life started to go tits up over 4 years ago when long covid got me. Now, just walking in the house is as struggle.
My wife of 55 years died in June.
If I believed in an after life I would happily go now.....but I don't believe.
Yesterday I sat outside watching the birds and it was a pleasant 2 hours.
But seriously, I would be happy to slip away now........but if I my legs get better that might change.


Über Member
'Hope I die before I get old'.
Whenever I say that Mrs Z replies 'So do I'.
Old is obviously a continuously changing concept, but I think I'll manage a few more years.
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