20 MPH Limits - what's your thoughts ?

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What really gets my goat, is when the police set up a temp speed camera and the numpties on social media warn everyone about it.

I'm considering doing the same myself, even when they are not there, just to slow the racetrack outside my house.

SOme years ago I lived in North Wales and the Police published where the speed trap vans would be for the next couple of weeks

not the exact place but as they always went to the same spots then locals would know

apparently it was very successful at slowing people down overall


DoT speed compliance stats:




Deleted member 26715

SOme years ago I lived in North Wales and the Police published where the speed trap vans would be for the next couple of weeks

not the exact place but as they always went to the same spots then locals would know

apparently it was very successful at slowing people down overall

I thought it was a legal requirement & that they still did/do across the whole of the UK, I agree with the 20mph & would like to see it applied AND enforced in our village, my only erk is that currently neither of my cruise controls cannot be enabled under 30mph.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
If you go through one mile of village at 20 mph rather than 30 mph , then it will take you an extra minute. Even if you went through 20 villages in those last 40 miles, it only accounts for an extra 20 minutes. I suggest the extra hour is mostly down to congestion by motor vehicles. You just have to look around to see how much road space is taken up by cars, 95% of which are just parked up significantly reducing the usable road space.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
If you go through one mile of village at 20 mph rather than 30 mph , then it will take you an extra minute. Even if you went through 20 villages in those last 40 miles, it only accounts for an extra 20 minutes. I suggest the extra hour is mostly down to congestion by motor vehicles. You just have to look around to see how much road space is taken up by cars, 95% of which are just parked up significantly reducing the usable road space.

It was just an estimate as I'd not driven in that area before - ah rural Wales, usualy 40 miles in an hour. Traffic was also an issue and the roads were slower than expected. I welcome it - will be interesting to see how it works come September as I ride there weekly.

berty bassett

Legendary Member
As a practical matter peds have always had priority, for the simple reason that it has always been unlawful to simply run them over.

I am not condoning the plowing of peds on the road , but I do think it’s asking for trouble when the green cross code stand by kerb look and listen look again and cross has been replaced by just wander out into traffic - jaywalking in some countries and just seems dangerous
To be able to just cross a side road near a junction without being concerned if traffic is entering side road and expecting a car to stop when the driver may not even be able to see you till he’s upon you just seems unsafe


Legendary Member
I have some symosthy with that. If a driver can't seewhen they turn a corner then they shouldn't be moving around that corner. It's incumbent upon a car driver to travel at a speed that allows them to stop in the distance they dan see to be clear. That few bother to do so does not reduce their obligation to drive in that careful and competent manner.

So before some or this new guidance was issued in the HC the authorities should have ensured that the majority or drivers are behaving themselves, else it all comes to naught. If they're not already obeying some of the basic precepts of safe driving they're not going to obey any new conventions thrust upon them. And que surprise, they by and large are not.


Anything that helps turn the tide of car use and move towards the change in how we see and manage public space has to be welcome.
Hopefully enforcement will follow along with a change in social attitudes around car use.

I'd welcome it round my way twice a day it's like a race track with every driver on all out auto pilot. As they take the little darlings to the near by primary school. You're lucky if the see the car in front let alone anything human. Odd how to keep them safe they feel the need to have a car twice the height of the average the little darlings.


Yup yup yup. Do it. People live on the streets 20mph limits are being implemented on. Their wellbeing and safety should come before the convenience of the drivers travelling through the area. It looks like others have done a good job digging up the safety stats on this, so thanks, I won't bother 😊


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
I think it is absolutely stupid. I agree with 20 mph near hospitals and schools but not all over towns. Cars will be running at a lower gear, causing more pollution and more fuel consumption.
Of course, a collision at 20 mph will cause less damage than 30 but where do you draw the line? Next time,
are we talking about 10 mph then?
I see it as just another way to raise more money for the government through speed fines.
It is supposed to make it safer for children and pedestrians. May I suggest that parents should also educate their children better by teaching them how to cross roads safely for a start and children and adults alike to stop using their mobile phones whilst walking and take those things out of their ears too so they can hear traffic.
In the 70s and 80s, we had adverts on TV promoting the Highway Code to that effect, ( Not mobile phones obviously) so the government should do a publicity campaign again for that.
I think it is absolutely stupid. I agree with 20 mph near hospitals and schools but not all over towns. Cars will be running at a lower gear, causing more pollution and more fuel consumption.
Of course, a collision at 20 mph will cause less damage than 30 but where do you draw the line? Next time,
are we talking about 10 mph then?
I see it as just another way to raise more money for the government through speed fines.
It is supposed to make it safer for children and pedestrians. May I suggest that parents should also educate their children better by teaching them how to cross roads safely for a start and children and adults alike to stop using their mobile phones whilst walking and take those things out of their ears too so they can hear traffic.
In the 70s and 80s, we had adverts on TV promoting the Highway Code to that effect, ( Not mobile phones obviously) so the government should do a publicity campaign again for that.

The more pollution thing will only be valid for a few years until the ICE cars have gone - and you can only claim this if you've been upset by the high speeds on motorways causing extra pollution and wasting fuel from excessive speeds.

Cars have been given all of the advantages in society over the decades. Pedestrians shunted out of the way - kids having to wear hi viz to help them not get killed.

Traffic increases year on year and its a bloody nightmare crossing roads now. Speeding cars. Drivers on their phones. Just really poor standards.

I'm loving the 20 through the village - makes crossing the road much quicker, easier and safer.
Driving through the village - well it adds a few seconds - but nobody complains about losing far more time sitting at a red light or in heavy traffic.

It's well implemented round here but I'd like to see more 20 zones.


Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
Of course, a collision at 20 mph will cause less damage than 30 but where do you draw the line? Next time,
are we talking about 10 mph then?

30mph in a car on a typical housing estate road feels like snail pace. Everything passes by so damn slowly. It's ridiculous to lower that to 20mph.
Do 30mph on your bike down that same road and it's no longer snail pace. There's hardly time to react to anything jumping or falling in your way. Going around that corner is literally dicing with death as your tyres struggle to keep traction. Braking distance? Might aswell be braking on ice for all the good it does.
20mph is still quite a pace to be travelling at.
Where do we draw the line? Hows about at a point where vehicle drivers stop killing and maiming innocent bystanders and other road users?
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