20MPH in Bolton (a step closer)

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[QUOTE 2419766, member: 45"]One underinvestigated anecdote does not stand up against all of the evidence available for you to look at.

You'll continue repeating this mistake until you've looked at the whole picture. Portsmouth does nothing to prove your belief. You need to look properly at the evidence. And you don't need to wait a couple of years for it. There's plenty for you to learn from now.

I await your summary......[/quote]

How do you explain a 57% increase in the following year for accidents in the 20mph zone if they are as you state so effective in reducing deaths and injuries ?


A Big Bad Lorry Driver
We are waiting for the 20 mph limit to reach our street, which is blighted by short-cutters. Anything that swings the balance in drivers' minds towards staying on the main road is good for us. It also gives us residents a legitimate reason to drive at 20 mph and block and hinder all the speeding short-cutters. Bring it on!
I live in a cul-de-sac off of a small 30 mph road which some people think is a race track, I happily do 20 down the road to hold up the Boy/Girl racers and Rep mobiles,
Its a speed limit not a speed target:thumbsup:


[QUOTE 2419909, member: 45"]Forget that last post linf. I've just read the page you've cherry-picked those figures from. It explains everything to you. Now quit the buffoonery.[/quote]

I see it as toeing the party line. You still are ducking and diving on the 57% increase....you won't give a proper answer on that because that would be an admission that the familiarity with the 20mph limits have turned the whole town lawless......and that has done to the 20 is plenty org what the fox hunting laws have done to the sabs :whistle:


Squat Member
I am dead against this!!!!!!!! Why don't they try spending some cash on a police force to enforce the laws that already exist. Motorist law enforcement is a joke, and I say this as an ex profesional driver and a bit of a petrol head. It is the wild west out on the roads and the chances of getting caught for driving like a d!ck are slim to non-existant. What difference is putting an unenforced 20mph limit in place going to make?

Hmm, personally the money spent on educating road users (new and ones that should be forced to re-sit the tests) incorporating a mandatory cycling activity where they learn about road safety and some users lack of steel protection may actually get some mileage (pun). ^_^


[QUOTE 2420130, member: 45"]Read the link. That's covered. Now stop trolling.[/quote]

57% increase after 2 years is a resounding failure, and a fairly strong indicator that after the initial cautious reception, and that the 'average' speeds being recorded are still well above the posted limit

Now you, I and every other cyclist who has ever timed their ride on here knows that to attain an average of between 18 and 24mph, you have to ride significantly faster than that over the distance.

It isn't rocket science, and it isn't trolling. It is a demonstration in numbers that the law is being broken with impunity in the place.......
How many 20mph zones were there before the two years started compared with after two years had passed?

The ABD claims are a result of statistical innumeracy, like your posts.

UK cities should have more 20mph speed zones, as they have cut road injuries by over 40% in London, a study claims.
In particular the number of children killed or seriously injured has been halved over the past 15 years, the British Medical Journal reported.
The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine study estimates 20mph zones have the potential to prevent up to 700 casualties in London alone.
At 20mph, it is estimated only one in 40 pedestrians is killed in a crash.
This compares with a one in five chance for someone hit at 30mph.


It's basic human design, we're designed (or created!) to withstand running into a tree or rock at top human speed- around 20mph. Above that, people hit by cars start dying.


I'm actually in the same position myself with short cutters....to the point where we petitioned and had a no entry and a cycle plug put in nearly 20 years ago, and then with them revising it a couple of years ago again which made no difference at all, as when they see their normal route blocked off (which prompts them to use my road), they swerve in, and gun it down the road to they and make up their lost 1/2 minute.
I've actually got no problem with people doing 30mph down my road provided they have a good line of site to anyone on the pavement and slow down as they pass them, but they don't, they ignore the no entry (3 point and £60 fine) and then (IMO) touch 60mph whilst traversing it (another 3 points, and another £60 fine....or a ban) We have have had scaffolding lorries swinging into the road at such a speed and then dropping their poles on parked cars as well as other cars being rolled on the corner, hitting other cars as they have lost control, as well as coming through the (blind) no entry at speed and hitting cars (legally) coming down the road the other way head on (one was my neighbour and her O/H who had to be cut out of the car)

Do I think that a 20mph limit would make a difference ?....:rofl::rolleyes: No I don't as they don't acknowledge the laws in place for the road as it is. The next step will be turning it into a cul-de-sac if we can persuade the council to buy it as everything else has failed, and I fear that it is only a matter of time before one of these idiots takes someones life or gives them a life changing injury :sad:

Why not get the residents together and simply take it in turns to park fully across the road? Or ask for one way spikes to be put in?


Why not get the residents together and simply take it in turns to park fully across the road? Or ask for one way spikes to be put in?

Because it is still a 2 way road with an exit at that end which can't be obstructed, and very occasionally, the emergency services decide that they might want to go through the no entry but that has all but diminished now that they have relocated to new centres out of town (I still think they should plan their routes better though)

Bad Company

Very Old Person
East Anglia
Blimey, I am away from the forum for a few months and guess what the same people are making the same arguments about speed. Can't see that anybody has said anything new.


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
Brighton has a 20 limit now and hopefully Worthing will to soon.

I have no sympathy for wingebag drivers who complain about it. Their views arnt relevant as they are the
Problem. They are best ignored. People don't like change but they will get used to it. Meantime our roads will become safer for all.

It may even have the effect of getting some of the numpties out of their tin can castles and onto a bus or train...or even a bike!...hmm...doubt it though, cos peeps like that just arnt happy unless they are complaining about something.

I reckon most sensible drivers would welcome the 20 mph limit in towns. It's safer for them, their families and everybody concerned.

Plod need to adopt a zero tolerance stance to policing it as well.

In German towns the limit is low and has been for years. It's a safer environment because of it.

Let the petrol heads complain...they are pathetic.
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