A review of PedalCell, an impressive new rim dynamo

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ta for reply - I may ask to pop round for a look :smile:

(my current setup is a cheapo decathlon hub wheel dynamo and an ewerk - which does work)

re shipping from the states and concerns about duties etc I gather from that vid that they now have a UK supplier - i did check that UK supplier's web page and they seemed to list it.

I think the UK supplier price was pretty much the same as the price from states with shipping VAT/Import Duty. Obviously I got lucky, it's not the first time though ! If you want to have a look sure we can arrange, just PM me if your inquisitiveness gets the better of you. I was a bit worried if it would work on my bike with the racks etc, so I would have been happier, trying first, as it was all turned out fine.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
I think the UK supplier price was pretty much the same as the price from states with shipping VAT/Import Duty. Obviously I got lucky, it's not the first time though ! If you want to have a look sure we can arrange, just PM me if your inquisitiveness gets the better of you. I was a bit worried if it would work on my bike with the racks etc, so I would have been happier, trying first, as it was all turned out fine.

I think customs and excise are a bit overloaded , so smaller items will likely as much get through.



View: https://youtu.be/o7xfGuRaq94

Here's a stripdown of a dead one. Spoiler: he's not impressed.

I subscribe to the channel and had already seen the video. Some of the BTL comments are informative. Seems like a case of "spoiling the ship for a ha'p'orth of tar ", though the company might not have been aware of the quality issues until the units started failing.
Mrs Tenkaykev has a Shimano hub dynamo on her touring bike, It's quite a chunk, I have a SP Dynamo wheel on my Brommie and it's tiny by comparison. I'm pleased with the convenience of a hub dynamo, it's "just there" and you eventually forget about it and get used to always having lights.


Legendary Member
I'm pleased with the convenience of a hub dynamo, it's "just there" and you eventually forget about it and get used to always having lights.
Match that with sensomatic lights, and after a bit you'll get into the habit of just getting on your bike and riding off, without regard to the time of day or night.
I recently came across this thread on Reddit about the PedalCell. @raybo , the OP here, contributed some new experience in Ireland so that it's a bit more relevant to these parts. There's some rain, for a start ^_^

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
In his review his phone was losing 2% charge a mile, which is a tremendous amount considering it’s plugged into the Pedalcell. I wouldn’t see that high a discharge rate, without the phone being plugged into any charging system. Be interesting to know what he was doing beyond RWGPS to cause such high discharge, even when it’s supposedly charging.
In his review his phone was losing 2% charge a mile, which is a tremendous amount considering it’s plugged into the Pedalcell. I wouldn’t see that high a discharge rate, without the phone being plugged into any charging system. Be interesting to know what he was doing beyond RWGPS to cause such high discharge, even when it’s supposedly charging.

Well, he does mention a lot of hills ^_^ so that casts doubt on the efficiency of the unit at lower speeds.

From my own experience it's surprising how much battery can be saved by turning off wifi and data.

I believe he uses an iphone and while I use android I have noticed that the older the phone the quicker the battery discharges so that may be a factor too. Didn't Apple use to do that on purpose to force users to upgrade?

And the rain issues had to do with cabling and the risk of water ingress. To be fair an issue with most systems.

I think the Reddit review points to the importance of comparing like with like. Long, straight, flat and dry US roads are different to Ireland and the UK.


In his review his phone was losing 2% charge a mile, which is a tremendous amount considering it’s plugged into the Pedalcell. I wouldn’t see that high a discharge rate, without the phone being plugged into any charging system. Be interesting to know what he was doing beyond RWGPS to cause such high discharge, even when it’s supposedly charging.
I believe the 2% loss was mostly due to keeping my iPhone's cellphone connection active. Likely, most of that power was lost when the iPhone tried to find/maintained connection to a cell tower. I was also riding on the Pembrokeshire coast, which has a few hills.

When I turned off the cellphone capability, the power loss went down to 1%/mile. In addition, to real-time directions with rideWithGPS (which is power intensive), I also listen to an audio book, take photos, send text messages, mark waypoints with TrackMyTour, get emails, use Google maps, search the internet for local information.

In my opinion, a 1% drawdown per mile doesn't see such a huge loss given the real-time directions/route saving. But, I'm not an expert on iPhone electronics. I was just trying to report on my experiences.
Good to see you still engaging.

I believe the 2% loss was mostly due to keeping my iPhone's cellphone connection active
and this....
When I turned off the cellphone capability, the power loss went down to 1%/mile.

seem to read pretty much at odds with
Every time I rode with the PedalCell, my iPhone ended up with more power at the end of the ride than when I started, no matter what apps I ran on it or how long I rode.
(which is from your original review.)

Having never really used a phone on the handlebars but recently given it a shot, I can't for the life of me understand my someone would willingly stick a phone, especially an expensive one on a bike for navigation. Mine overheated, was impossible to read in bright sunshine (and would be the same in the rain), difficult to hear in wind or traffic, amusing but useless with foreign streetname pronunciation and mortally embarrassing when giving me instructions at inopportune times in little towns. Not to mention the bumps and vibrations that cannot be good for the phone's charging socket.

My preferred method of charging on the go is to charge a powerbank from the hub.

I was also riding on the Pembrokeshire coast, which has a few hills.
Sorry to be pedantic but the latest review specifically mentions "Ireland". Unless things have greatly changed since I left the fair, green land Pembrokeshire is in Wales. ^_^


I am aware that Pembrokeshire is in Wales. My ride started there (as was clearly stated in the journal that I linked to and you obviously didn't read) and that is where the 2% per mile degradation was noted.

You've made it clear that you don't like my review, the PedalCell, and feel the need to subject what I write to a fine-toothed sieve. I can only report what happened when I used the PedalCell. In my review, I said that I tried to recreate true bike touring conditions, but that it is hard to do so when doing local rides.

My only explanation for the difference between my local and touring experience is that I used my phone more intensively while on tour then when riding local. Maybe there is another more technical reason for it. I was also riding a different bicycle with different sized wheels. Maybe that accounts for it? I don't know. Again, I am only reporting what I experienced.

You clearly have no interest in using the PedalCell. Do you have something against it?
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South Tyneside
Last year, when at Hawes was chatting to another cyclist who had a dynamo wheel built for touring.
However, the nature of bike touring meant a neccessary 10mph minimum speed was seldom maintained on scenic routes.
Thus near useless.

There are so many more viable alternatives around these days.
I am aware that Pembrokeshire is in Wales. My ride started there (as was clearly stated in the journal that I linked to and you obviously didn't read) and that is where the 2% per mile degradation was noted.

Here's the whole text of what you wrote on Reddit. Wales is not mentioned. Nor is any link given to a journal.

I just finished a 2 week tour of Ireland using the PedalCell and ridewithGPS for route finding. That is, I ran rwGPS for the entire time I was riding. I also took photos, did some location checking and routing with Google. In addition, at first, I kept the cellphone service and data on.
Here is my recent experience:
I stay indoors at night so always start the day with my iPhone fully charged or very close to it.
On the first day I rode 50 miles (80 kms) using the rwGPS and other apps running and kept the cellphone and data on, the phone steadily lost about 2% of power per mile. That meant that at the end of the day, my phone was almost dead and I had to turn off the cellphone services and data (go into airplane mode, which doesn't affect GPS) to get guided to the end of my route.
After that, I kept the phone in airplane mode for most of the day, only turning cellphone services when I wanted to check email, send message, make a phone call, access Google, etc. Again, this didn't affect GPS based apps.
On these days, I found the phone lost much less power and I usually ended the day with plenty left. Depending on the length of the ride, at 50% or more.
Note that I was touring in Ireland, which is hilly. On flat ground where you can go much faster, you might generate much more power. Though, I rarely unhooked the PedalCell.
I also rode in the rain a bit (thankfully not a lot!) and found that rain had zero effect on the PedalCell. Though, finding a rain-proof place for your phone and the PedalCell cord might be a challenge. I bought a water resistant top bar bag that worked very well.
While the PedalCell claims it can charge 2 devices at the same time, my testing suggested that this was more promise than reality. This is only possible if you are riding at speed and limits the amount of power the second device receives. I only charged my iPhone with the PedalCell.
You used the terms "devices" in your post. If you need to charge more than one device and will not have access to wall plugs for your entire trip, in my opinion, you will be hard pressed to do so. If you only need to keep and iPhone or a GPS device charged during the day, then the PedalCell will do the job.
I'm happy to respond to specific questions if you have any. Though, the people at PedalCell are very responsive to whatever queries you might have, often in a few minutes. Also, be sure that the bike you plan to put it on has the geometry to allow you to mount it properly. This is key as an improperly mounted PedalCell could be dangerous (should it slip and go into your spokes).
I presumed the ^_^ illustrated that I was making a humourous point. Maybe time to drop that shovel?

You've made it clear that you don't like my review, the PedalCell, and feel the need to subject what I write to a fine-toothed sieve.
You've inferred that - I never said it.
I have said it was comprehensive.
I have issues with a long dormant account coming back to life to post a review of a product that was given as a freebie. Given that the same word-for-word review was posted across several fora (but not, interestingly enough, the ones where spam was most likely to be picked up on) is also a cause for curiosity.
Your original review, for what it was, was grand. A shame the "freebie" status wasn't more prominent.
Also, as your later Reddit contribution makes clear, perhaps not as appropriate for use in hillier, wetter environments.

This is a community. When someone recommends a bike or a piece of gear or equipment I have the ability to judge it based on who they are and previous posts. I like and appreciate transparency.

You clearly have no interest in using the PedalCell. Do you have something against it?
No, I have no interest for the reasons I outlined earlier in the thread.
It does not suit my style of touring.

I also disliked the smooth sales approach of PedalCell on this thread. My questions on the length of time it was available and how many of the reviewers had received freebies were conveniently ignored. The comment about front hubs seizing was pathetic.

I have experienced the after sales service of SON directly under pretty trying conditions. I know who I'd rather deal with. And they're German ^_^

If someone asked me to offer an opinion on the PedalCell I would decline to do so unless some neutral, long term reviews were available.


South Tyneside
It was bought to charge a phone, which it failed at.
A 6w one might have worked. Thing is, they are even heavier. Led lights and battery packs usually negate the need for dynamos or solar chargers.
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