A scalping on the seafront ...

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Purveyor of fine nonsense
For your amusement, a little wheeze, a mere chortle, etc, etc ..

I was riding along the Portsmouth seafront yesterday into the mother of all headwinds. At a push I could do 15mph, but 10 was more comfortable.

Anyway, up in front I spied a guy on an MTB giving it everything - tucked down into the wind, bobbing up and down with each pedal stroke, ready to blow a colon ...

So I cycled up beside him, sat upright, one hand on the handlebars, not really trying and said, "Ah! Lovely evening for it, isn't it?"
"Beautiful sunset, shame about the wind!"
"Ah well, see you later!"

Wasn't fair, really, I was on a road bike with tiny tyres, and him on an MTB with huge fat ones.

Was quite amusing though ;)


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK


But excellent....
So I cycled up beside him, sat upright, one hand on the handlebars, not really trying and said, "Ah! Lovely evening for it, isn't it?"
"Beautiful sunset, shame about the wind!"
"Ah well, see you later!"

Wasn't fair, really, I was on a road bike with tiny tyres, and him on an MTB with huge fat ones.

Was quite amusing though :biggrin:[/quote]



XmisterIS said:
For your amusement, a little wheeze, a mere chortle, etc, etc ..

I was riding along the Portsmouth seafront yesterday into the mother of all headwinds. At a push I could do 15mph, but 10 was more comfortable.

Anyway, up in front I spied a guy on an MTB giving it everything - tucked down into the wind, bobbing up and down with each pedal stroke, ready to blow a colon ...

So I cycled up beside him, sat upright, one hand on the handlebars, not really trying and said, "Ah! Lovely evening for it, isn't it?"
"Beautiful sunset, shame about the wind!"
"Ah well, see you later!"

Wasn't fair, really, I was on a road bike with tiny tyres, and him on an MTB with huge fat ones.

Was quite amusing though :sun:

That is soo cruel ! - funny though as i wasnt there ! ;)
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