A smart meter question.

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Legendary Member
there is no such thing as peak and off peak electric, you pay the same per w/h whether its morning, noon or night......
Not necessarily true, it depends what you have signed up for.
I was on Restricted Hours B tariff until quite recently when overnight tariff was considerably cheaper than daytime.


I'm unsure as to whether the console shows the meter reading though... somebody who actually has a smart meter will be able to tell you that

my mother's shows daily usage, but I've not fiddled with it that much to find out what else it displays. It seems a bit shoddy... press a button and not much happens, then five seconds after I've stopped pressing, something happens and it's not what was expected, then I can't work out how to get it back to its normal 'daily' display.

I have a smart meter. I had a consul but don't use it. I can log on and get lots of info about my energy usage, peaks etc. I get early warning how much our usrage has gone up this lockdown. My bills are accurate. Ok don't need to read the meter. What is so bad about them?


An Peanut
There are over 11B reasons why they are bad, that was the initial cost estimate for forcing everyone to have one. That cost is rising significantly as every target is missed. We are too early with this - until we have battery packs in our houses and our electric cars can provide power to the network when they are not needed there is no real benefit. By the time that technology is mainstream even these new meters will be obsolete and we start installing new ones again. I am not against smart meters, just the stupid we the UK is implementing them.


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Sue Me
I like mine - but the thing that's bonkers that is that if you change supplier it doesn't work
i recently changed suppliers, my smart meter works with the new supplier, but they cant alter the payment date that the meter states......
There are over 11B reasons why they are bad, that was the initial cost estimate for forcing everyone to have one. That cost is rising significantly as every target is missed. We are too early with this - until we have battery packs in our houses and our electric cars can provide power to the network when they are not needed there is no real benefit. By the time that technology is mainstream even these new meters will be obsolete and we start installing new ones again. I am not against smart meters, just the stupid we the UK is implementing them.
By the time we have the infrastructure for electric vehicles and actual cars that dont cost stupid money that the average joe could never afford we will all be well past caring about smart meters
The moronic concept that a system was accepted to be implemented at a cost to the public (via bills) was initially OK - except that it turned out that the design did not seem to include switching suppliers - when the governments polices have always been to encourage switching.
So - who would benefit from a system where switching is discouraged - well it ain't the people who could save money by switching - or the government - the only people who benefit from this are the suppliers - who then get to increase the amount the whole system costs by suddenly realising (???) that they need to take out all the old SMETS1 meters and replace them with SMET2 systems that actually work properly in the real world.

Basically the whole concept was badly supervised by the people who are supposed to keep and eye on things like this - including the government.
And the people paying the bills are the ones that suffer!


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside

Basically the whole concept was badly supervised by the people who are supposed to keep and eye on things like this - including the government.
And the people paying the bills are the ones that suffer!

How unusual ! ;)


Legendary Member
When my old mechanical meter packed up Scottish power lied to me and persisted in telling me that by law I had to have a smart meter.

I don't want one. My Mum suffered terrible grief when her recent, supposedly updated, smart meter failed to operate when she switched suppliers. Then there is the question of temporal charging, the f@#$%*s charging me more at peak times

A cut and paste of the regs from the governments own website, and a threat of legal action if they kept lying to me quickly brought them to book. My meter cupboard is outside, so just the be sure they don't try to bend me over I got 2 x industrial grade hasp and stables, and 2 x £50 Chubb padlocks that nearly gave me a hernia ligging home from the shops. They'll struggle to get in there now, and if they try it and don't have a Court order (which they won't) ill have them for criminal damage.

They're a bunch of liars, plain and simple and should not be trusted at any level. They have government imposed targets to hit and staff are incentivised to push smart meters and will persist in the most extraordinary lies in order to try and get one into your premises. Do not let them do so uncer any circumstances.
When my old mechanical meter packed up Scottish power lied to me and persisted in telling me that by law I had to have a smart meter.

I don't want one. My Mum suffered terrible grief when her recent, supposedly updated, smart meter failed to operate when she switched suppliers. Then there is the question of temporal charging, the f@#$%*s charging me more at peak times

A cut and paste of the regs from the governments own website, and a threat of legal action if they kept lying to me quickly brought them to book. My meter cupboard is outside, so just the be sure they don't try to bend me over I got 2 x industrial grade hasp and stables, and 2 x £50 Chubb padlocks that nearly gave me a hernia ligging home from the shops. They'll struggle to get in there now, and if they try it and don't have a Court order (which they won't) ill have them for criminal damage.

They're a bunch of liars, plain and simple and should not be trusted at any level. They have government imposed targets to hit and staff are incentivised to push smart meters and will persist in the most extraordinary lies in order to try and get one into your premises. Do not let them do so uncer any circumstances.
Scottish Power, that’s the Scottish for ya :whistle:
I have just been forced onto EDF because Green Energy Network went bust

Maybe someone will finally get my on SMETS1 meter updated to work

or maybe not

as far as dynamic charging is concerned - you would have to be on a tarif that allows for it - if they try to make it so that all tariffs are dynamic I suggest started a campaign and start writing to MPs and regulators
When my old mechanical meter packed up Scottish power lied to me and persisted in telling me that by law I had to have a smart meter.

I don't want one. My Mum suffered terrible grief when her recent, supposedly updated, smart meter failed to operate when she switched suppliers. Then there is the question of temporal charging, the f@#$%*s charging me more at peak times

A cut and paste of the regs from the governments own website, and a threat of legal action if they kept lying to me quickly brought them to book. My meter cupboard is outside, so just the be sure they don't try to bend me over I got 2 x industrial grade hasp and stables, and 2 x £50 Chubb padlocks that nearly gave me a hernia ligging home from the shops. They'll struggle to get in there now, and if they try it and don't have a Court order (which they won't) ill have them for criminal damage.

They're a bunch of liars, plain and simple and should not be trusted at any level. They have government imposed targets to hit and staff are incentivised to push smart meters and will persist in the most extraordinary lies in order to try and get one into your premises. Do not let them do so uncer any circumstances.

So let me see if I understand this correctly...

You’ve spent over £100 securing your meter cupboard so that they can’t fit a smart meter and increase your tariff by 0.02p? :okay:

Deleted member 26715

I had one installed in my fathers house, he no longer lives there as he's currently with my sister, Bulb were useless when the display didn't work wanting me to return it to them at my cost. Now Avea (his new supplier) claim they can't read it, but when pushed they can but they have to manually read it from their end & then put the data into their system, they have still taken over £220 from his account even though his read bills are less than £100 & refusing to do anything about it until after 3 months.
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