Accident in central Southampton

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Just stumbled upon this in the daily echo, happened this morning.

It's difficult to see how this could be the cyclists fault from looking at that picture.

She seems to have been knocked off between Andrews and St Palmerston Park. Seems she got hit when crossing the road...,-1.403933&spn=0.008985,0.017552&z=15&iwloc=A

I'm a little incensed by some of the comments. Take a look at this one.

I would first like to say that I am not blaming anyone or commenting on the details of this particular incident...

However, I'm sure many fellow motorists would agree that quite a few cyclists don't wear a helmet, or any type of reflective clothing. I'm also routinely appaled by some cyclists road manners. These cyclists seem to think that they can ignore the rules of the road when it inconveniences them. I really do feel that many, many lives would be saved if cyclists were banned from the roads and made to cycle (at a reasonable speed) on the pavement or cycle lanes.

Once again I'd like to reilterate that I am not in any way suggesting that this young woman was acting like that and I offer all condolences to the family.


New Member
If she was riding the way the cars are parked she would of been in the bus lane --the car that hit her would have been moving over into the space she was already occupying at the end of the bus lane near the lights..

I live in bournemouth most people here are over 130 years old and cant see beyond the end of the bonnet.. so i say lets all have a 5 year retake on the driving licence instead of banning the cyclists --that would save a lot more lives i rekon
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