Admin Appreciation

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Senior Member
Sorry if a simialr sentiment has already been posted and I can't find it but ...

After being forcefully evicted from my previous C+ home and dumped in BikeRadar I escaped and was given refuge on this forum and was welcomed with open arms.

I'd just like to say thank you to the Admin of this board who has made all of us C+ asylum seekers so welcome here and bent over backwards to make us feel at home. I hope you find us to be good tenants, if a little noisy sometimes.

Thank you.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Well said. It's much appreciated. :?:
QuickDraw said:
Sorry if a simialr sentiment has already been posted and I can't find it but ...

After being forcefully evicted from my previous C+ home and dumped in BikeRadar I escaped and was given refuge on this forum and was welcomed with open arms.

I'd just like to say thank you to the Admin of this board who has made all of us C+ asylum seekers so welcome here and bent over backwards to make us feel at home. I hope you find us to be good tenants, if a little noisy sometimes.

Thank you.

You hit the nail on the head. There were a lot of good people on the old C+ forum, fortunately a large number have come here, hopefully the stragglers and hesistant ones will come over, but that's not to take anything away from the old CycleChat forumers.
I'm sure we'll all be a large happy family, unlike the cold and impersonal (although it's a case of 'horses for courses', I suppose) BikeRadar. We all share a passion for cycling, and a fair amount of pi$$-taking. :?:
I'll add my thanks as well. :?:
Yup. Ta.:?:
Er, this place is very much more relaxed than A Certain Forum. Which is good. Some of us are here because over there was never an option, for various reasons. Long may it be so.
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