All Weather Commuting Bike

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Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
My current commuting bike is in the workshop having a couple of issues looked at. However it is getting rather tired and worn, and thinking about an upgrade. Please look at the spec below and make some suggestions. The thoughts must meet the spec. I have been commuting daily for over 10 years now, and I know what I want out of my bike, so please don't try and change my perspective.
1) Full mudguards. I will ride through deep puddles and in all weathers, even the heaviest downpours (if going home). I don't want a stripe up my back.
2) Rack. I will stop off for shopping, and sometimes will be putting quite a bit of weight on the bike. I have some bungee cords that I use at the moment, but hopefully will get a full set of paniers soon.
3) Hydraulic discs. Would love to be able to stop when I want, not when the bike wants to.
4) 700 wheels, but capable of taking 32 tyres. Mainly for comfort, but mostly as I have some studded tyres for snow and ice, and they will need to fit.
5) Groupset that can take the abuse of dirt, salt, and gravel, and not flinch. I'm a bit flexible here. I currently have a Shimano Alfine hub with 8 gears that is fine, but happy to consider anything that is built for robustness rather than weight.

I am currently running a drop-bared touring set-up (Ridgeback Journey, if you want to know more), but am now willing to consider other options.

Budget? Well, it isn't going to be loved, so no point spending too much, but how about £1,500?


1500 is quite a substantial budget for what you require and would open up loads of choice. I would offer up an excellent suggestion of a steel framed Genesis Equilibrium or very similar as it has everything on hour list and obviously is what I use for all year round commuting.


Active Member
I live in London and have a weakness for Condor bikes so would probably pop there and get a Fratello Disc or one of their new gravel bikes (Bivio) but not sure if that’s an option for you unless you know of a local dealer.



Last of the Summer Winos
Unless the frame is gone just replace the components that are tired worn no longer working well. Your bike is not yet a teenager and should have plenty of life left in it.
No, no no, That's not how N+1 works.
First get the shiny new bike..... then replace the bits on the old one and relegate it to "pub bike"..... repeat until rumbled by the mrs. :smile:


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)


Legendary Member
If this is the right size and you can live with 28-30mm tyres...maybe a rather posh groupset but not too posh

(I've had my eye on it for a while but do not need, I make no promise about stock obviously)

Or fatter tyres and 1x10 gearing


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
If this is the right size and you can live with 28-30mm tyres...maybe a rather posh groupset but not too posh

(I've had my eye on it for a while but do not need, I make no promise about stock obviously)

Or fatter tyres and 1x10 gearing

No, I can't live with smaller tyres, I'm afraid. I have my winter studded tyres, and this will be the bike they will be fitted to if necessary. It helps me get to work if buses and trains aren't running because of snow and ice. I had some good fun a couple of years ago riding through Birmingham City Centre up Ludgate Hill, passing cars that just couldn't get the traction that I could.


Legendary Member
No, I can't live with smaller tyres, I'm afraid. I have my winter studded tyres, and this will be the bike they will be fitted to if necessary. It helps me get to work if buses and trains aren't running because of snow and ice. I had some good fun a couple of years ago riding through Birmingham City Centre up Ludgate Hill, passing cars that just couldn't get the traction that I could.
The Merlin comes with 35s


Legendary Member
Good things:
1) Extinction Rebellion symbol already fitted.
2) Green and orange is a good colour combination
3) Price looks tempting.
Bad things:
1) No evidence of rack mounting.
Has rack mount points in photo (can always use p clips otherwise)


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