Anyone else getting hacked off with waiting for a Canyon?

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Was the Rose delivery ok,no hold ups and how long waiting,lad I used to work with has a Rose lovely bike


Über Member
Was the Rose delivery ok,no hold ups and how long waiting,lad I used to work with has a Rose lovely bike
Waiting at the moment is 4 - 5 weeks after correspondence with Rose UK yesterday. There's a guy on here (forgotten who) who's bike came a week or so early though. And that was very recently.
jay clock

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
OK, update on the unbelievably crap admin process of Canyon. Just got an email from them confirming they are about to send me the bike I cancelled in December and for which they paid me £80 compensation for all their cock ups. I have told them that if they charge any money they will be doing this on the basis that they accept that they will reimburse me double, plus I get to keep any non ordered bike they send.....


Failed Tech Bro
OK, update on the unbelievably crap admin process of Canyon. Just got an email from them confirming they are about to send me the bike I cancelled in December and for which they paid me £80 compensation for all their cock ups. I have told them that if they charge any money they will be doing this on the basis that they accept that they will reimburse me double, plus I get to keep any non ordered bike they send.....
:laugh: The Canyon email bot strikes again.


Über Member
I thought they were back on track...?

My Rose was about 4-5 weeks wait. Was built a day before they said it would be so no complaints there!

Here she is, arrived Saturday.


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Über Member
So come on Huw, how's it going?
Nice Richard. Only really used it for the hill climb on the weekend, so only about 10 miles in total.

Hoping to maybe get a couple of hours to go for a spin tonight where I can think more about riding the bike rather than going at 100%!

But initial impressions are good, quite liked the fact that no one knew what it was at the event as well, always a good thing. The finish is amazing, they really do look good.


Cracking a solo.
quite liked the fact that no one knew what it was at the event as well
This is a very good thing as far as I'm concerned, you've got a terrific machine but the majority of people have never heard of them, nice to be niche. Update me when you've got a few miles under your belt with it, I think I can guess how you'll be feeling.
jay clock

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
OK a further update after a year has gone by. (Cancelled order, over £10k charged to credit card, etc etc) I have just got an email to say my bike is ready and they have tried to charge my credit card but it won't work. Emails to CEO leading to more handwringing apologies. They now say they have deleted all data off their systems. Let's see!
Sounds like a horrendous experience. I have two friends with Canyons, the first had a few issues and delivery took a few months. The second put his order in and had the bike (an aeroroad) within a week.


Cambridge UK
I really really really wanted a Canyon and was ready to place an order.... I went on their chat line and asked the lad if there was any chance that they could leave a bit of stem tube so that I could raise the handlebars slightly (the handlebars are slammed right down) .... The lad said that it was not at all possible, so I ended up buying a Giant TCR

I still like the Canyon though


An Peanut
OK a further update after a year has gone by. (Cancelled order, over £10k charged to credit card, etc etc) I have just got an email to say my bike is ready and they have tried to charge my credit card but it won't work. Emails to CEO leading to more handwringing apologies. They now say they have deleted all data off their systems. Let's see!

Blimey, they really are a shower of sh.... I must admit, that when I see them in the flesh, I do wonder if I am missing anything and should I have waited it out, but stories like this do bring me back to reality.
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