Anyone fancy a forum ride, Forest of Bowland, Sun 20th July or Sun 17th August?

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
In trouble said:
Me and the wife are intersted, for the aug 17th, just got to get the time off work first. Cheers.

Be a good start as we will have had our first road bikes for about......1 month :0)
Your first road bikes... can I assume that you've been riding mountain bikes then? I'm only mentioning it because unless you were pretty cycling fit that route might be a bit much for a 'starter' ride.

I'll add you both as 'Maybes' until you see if you can get the day off.

In trouble

New Member
Hi Colin,

We have both only ridden Mountain Bikes before. Both have completed the Fort William to Inverness Great Glen Cycle route in the past (I've done it 7/8 times now, and both actively use our bikes fairly often to commute too and from work (18 miles each way). We both also do a fair bit of running, and Mrs A particularly is in the gym every day, (I'm every other)so hopefully we will be fit enough. Although i see you mention 'Cycling fit'. Is that something I may not be aware of, or appreciate? Just also completed the Nottinghamshire 50 mile bike ride, over half of which were against heavy gusts of up too 70mph (if reports can be believed, although it was very difficult against the wind.)

Always willing to take advice mind. Cheers, Simon (Mr In Trouble :0))


Puzzle game procrastinator!
In trouble said:
Hi Colin,

We have both only ridden Mountain Bikes before. Both have completed the Fort William to Inverness Great Glen Cycle route in the past (I've done it 7/8 times now, and both actively use our bikes fairly often to commute too and from work (18 miles each way). We both also do a fair bit of running, and Mrs A particularly is in the gym every day, (I'm every other)so hopefully we will be fit enough. Although i see you mention 'Cycling fit'. Is that something I may not be aware of, or appreciate? Just also completed the Nottinghamshire 50 mile bike ride, over half of which were against heavy gusts of up too 70mph (if reports can be believed, although it was very difficult against the wind.)

Always willing to take advice mind. Cheers, Simon (Mr In Trouble :0))
It sounds as though you should both be perfectly okay then! I was just a bit worried that you might have only had about a month's worth of exercise and think that you could go out and do 56 hilly miles straight off which wouldn't have been very clever ;).

As for 'cycling fit'... I know a couple who used to go cycling with me, but we haven't done much this year because they've joined a running club and have been concentrating on that. I went for a 25 mile hilly ride with them a couple of months back and I've just found out that afterwards they felt really tired. That shook me because they have been okay doing fell runs up to 20 miles in length and I'd be shattered if I tried to do one of them :biggrin:! I think it is a case of developing different leg muscles. Obviously the cardio-vascular aspect of exercise is pretty much the same no matter how you get it.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
andyfromotley said:
even if you are unfit it means you can walk up the hills with me.
Crikey Andy - the In Troubles would really have to be living up to their name if they are still walking up hills 4 weeks after they set off ;)! They are talking about the July ride and you are doing the August one...


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Alun said:
Can I join you this weekend Colin?
I can do the distance, but I'll only average about 10 mph.
Hi Alun. Yes, of course you'd be welcome! I'll add you to the list.

I'm not very fit at the moment so I certainly won't be breaking any speed records. On the last forum ride I organised, I was the slowest rider and I don't expect to be far off it this time either since I'm at my largest for about 10 years and the hills will be hard work for me...
I'm going for the milder version with Garstang Cycling Club, taking in Chipping, Bleasdale, Inglewhite, etc. One of those rides organised through Lancashire County Council, they last two have been really good, so it should be fun...

Wear your CC jerseys in case we come across each other somewhere on route! :smile:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
punkypossum said:
Wear your CC jerseys in case we come across each other somewhere on route! :biggrin:
I don't have a CC jersey but I'm the only person you are ever likely to meet riding a blue steel-framed Basso with old Mercatone-Uno team coloured carbon fibre forks off a dead Bianchi!

The forks are lighter and more comfortable than the original steel ones so I thought I'd recycle them (pun intended). I haven't got round to repainting them yet but some people say they like them the way they are. They look a bit strange actually so they will get resprayed eventually, but not by the weekend.

PS You can see the forks in my avatar


New Member
Bury, Lancashire
Frustruck said:
Have you heard from Blonde, or Mr Blonde (mrushton) at all? They used to be on here but no more...:biggrin:

Hello! I don't have time for internet surfing at work anymore so that's why I'm not on here, or any other forums much. Anyway, we probably won't be there on Sunday after all, because my new bike is being built up from tomorrow at our fave bike shop in Bolton, and probably won't be ready for collection by Saturday afternoon. Of course, if it is ready to ride in time, we'll be there on Sunday, but I think it's fairly unlikely.
BTW, not sure how mrushton feels about being referred to as Mr Blonde... he's more of a Mr Silver, heh heh!
i'm not going to be able to make this weekend which is a bit of a sickener as i was hoping to put faces to names, hopefully i'll be well enough for the next.
hope the weather is good and you have a good ride
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