Are you a morning Person

Are you an natural early riser?

  • Yep! I ping awake at an alarmingly early hour

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • I manage if the alarm goes off but I like a lie in sometimes

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No, I need a coffee/tea before I'm even awake

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Morning? What's this morning you speak of?

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
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Legendary Member
I have to get up for work, but during one winter's unemployment, I literally never saw daylight for weeks on end, going to bed in the early hours and waking in the late afternoon.

Dan B

Disengaged member
These days I usually wake up ~7:30am when my girlfriend does, and start work when she's left for the office. As a single man I used to regard it as an early start if I was in front of the computer before 11am

I've heard it said that there is only one reliable cure for insomnia, which is "the realisation that it's time to get up"


Über Member
Plough Lane
I couldn't even manage the poll until the afternoon.

Mind you, I've had the application form for Procrastinators Anonymous sitting on my desk for the past three months. ;)

it's the one thing i'd love to change about me. I work shifts so have to get up early for work but i'd like to be the sort that pings awake and then gets on with things rather than laze around in bed until mid morning if there is nothing i have to get up for.



Well-Known Member
I have always been a morning person until kids came into the equation. Now it's more of a chore to get up. Although, on the rare occasion that they are sleeping out at their grandparents, I do end up getting up early.


magnatom said:
Oh aye, peace and quiet! More like children jumping up and down on you!:wacko::biggrin:

Mine are beyond that age now. One is still up at 7 but the other has started sleeping later now.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I have a problem getting out of bed in the morning and going straight out, fortunately I am self employed and I can do as I like so I try not to go out until after lunch if possible.

As an example I woke up at 8:45am on sunday with the intention of going out for a bike ride, I then had a shower and then sat down on the sofa and had some breakfast then I fell asleep until the afternoon, when I woke up I noticed the GP was on tv so I watched that.

Never did get out for a ride :wacko: and that happens quite often.


God Almighty
I operate fare better later in the day, but can manage in the mornings.

Well....when im not at college I am awake every morning....until around 2/3 am :wacko:

When at college, bed for 11, up at 6.15


Über Member
I hate mornings or rather I hate getting up.

This morning I slept through my 2 alarms and woke up an hour late. I had to get up, wash, put contacts in, have a coffee and leave within 30 mins.

It was very difficult and I'm still suffering because of it :wacko:

Sundays is usually my lie in day, when you'll be lucky to see me before midday, unless I'm going for a ride, in which case I'll be a wreck all week.

I never go to bed before 10.30pm, usually closer to midnight.


I've been generally getting up at about 5.30am here in Tokyo, but that is because it's the best time of the day to cycle. I tend to switch on immediately I wake up - my wife says I am a bit like a comedy robot! But I am useless by the afternoon, so if I haven't got what I need to get done by then, no chance...


New Member
I'm definitely a morning person. Always was. When I was a kid, I used to get up at 5am and sit at the kitchen table and draw until everyone else got up. I tend to wake up before my alarm clock even goes off. Also, I think much clearer in the mornings than, say, late at night.
My alarm is set for 05:15 - I love the early mornings. Often I'm up and about (have even been known to be cycling :wacko:) as the dawn chorus begins.
Also nice is 10 minutes deep nap - this usually happens in front of the screen as my fingers caress the keybo....zzzz

Up at 5.30 during the golf season (March to October). But enjoy a lie-in until 08.00 at the weekends.

And during my winter hibernation, I often get up at the crack of dawn (if she lets me) to watch the sunrise if/when I'm in Asia or somewhere hot.
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