Armstrong's blood profiles

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rich p

ridiculous old lush
Full story is he a doper?

What we know from our research is that during periods of hard activity, like in the Tour de France, we normally see a drop in these blood values. We don't see this with Armstrong," he told DR Sport.

He elaborated on this when speaking to Cyclingnews. “His blood profile contradicts what we see and what we know from international studies during the last few decades,” he said in a phone interview. “His blood values are not acting as we would expect, so that is highly unusual.”

Mørkeberg ’s questioning about Armstrong’s Tour values stem from two facts; firstly, there is no significant difference between those two blood markers at the start and end of the race, and secondly, the values rise on two occasions during the event, around the time of the two rest days. In addition to that, they say that his reticulocyte (new red blood cell) levels are below expected levels, something which Mørkeberg and Belhage state can also be an indication of blood doping.

"It could be that he received some blood transfusions,” Mørkeberg told DR Sport. “This is not to say that he has [definitely] received one, but it could be an explanation."

Hmmmm, very they say.
oh my god is this topic going to be a big one..... I'l still bet he's clean. Bring it on haters!
I read that recently. I though the response from Armstrong's team was decidedly low key in comparison to normal.


Über Member
Lance has proven through his medical history to be a little bit special and no doubt this could be the case.

We are often being told by the medical profession how complex and unique the human body is, so why should this incident be any different.

Still think he is 100% clean.


Hello there
SimonRoberts0204 said:
besides, he made a big deal of publishing his blood reports on his website.... thats waaay too risky if he was actually doping.

double bluff... :biggrin:
Interesting and not a little suspicious, but still not a silver bullet.

There much more over on Velocity NY including this interview with Morkeberg. He's very measured in what he says, by no means overstating what he thinks. He was also asked to comment on Rasmussen's bloods when they were released after he was kicked off the Tour in 07.

He also says that Wiggy's bloods look unusual, although there is much less data to go on. That's a worry, although I would hope that Garmin's internal program (in collaboration with Catlin iirc) would have more data and would pick up ant anomalies.

If St Lance is whinging (and he has, on Twitter, natch) then there's only one thing to bear in mind. He chose to release the values. If he expects everyone to just roll over and say 'he's released his bloods, he must be clean' then he's kidding himself. That's what worried me when Wiggy released his, the possibility that data release would instantly give A.N Rider a saintly aura with no more questions asked. What we want is for riders to release comprehensive data and then have experts like Morkeberg pick them over.

Of course this won't stop the fanboys from their usual 'haterz r jelus' bleating...:biggrin:
SimonRoberts0204 said:
besides, he made a big deal of publishing his blood reports on his website.... thats waaay too risky if he was actually doping.
You're assuming that the average fan knows what they're looking at. Even the experts have differing views on what the data suggests, enough to fog any suggestion of naughtiness. Releasing data was a safe bet, even with those post-rest day spikes. You know, the ones that don't show up on his Giro bloods...:biggrin:

What is of some interest is that the circumstantial evidence (the Vaughters/Andreu instant messaging transcript) suggested that autologous blood transfusion was the method of choice for USP/Disco. That's also the hardest method of doping to detect.


and it wont stop the haters from the "fanboys are blinkered" either :biggrin:


rich p said:
Hmmmm, very they say.


I do like the idea that he has an entirely unique and beneficial physiology, it'd raise some very interesting questions.


...especially when one considers that Semenya's unique physiology means that she might no longer be able to compete as a female, for instance... to be topical as a clarification of what I mean rather than raise that particular debate.
rich p

rich p

ridiculous old lush
yello said:
...especially when one considers that Semenya's unique physiology means that she might no longer be able to compete as a female, for instance... to be topical as a clarification of what I mean rather than raise that particular debate.

I think I understand you, Yello, you're saying that LA may have female genitalia. Well he is a c...........................;)


well there is that

but it's more about drawing a line on one of many spectrum (or is that spectri?)

If one's own particular chemistry gives you a significant advantage, when does that advantage get deemed unfair and banned.
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