Bicycle lights

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Chris S

Legendary Member
Could anybody recommend some bicycle lights that don't go out when you hit a bump?


Legendary Member
I’ve never had a problem with my moon one on front and Smart attached to rear rack. I ride over a lot of bumps and speed humps!
There are loads of good lights out there these days. It all depends on your needs what brand you buy, and how much you can (or want to) spend. I have a lovely Lupine light - German made, superbly engineered - that is utterly reliable, casts a nice even light, is powerful and has never let me down after several years of frequent use. But it is also expensive. My daughter has a quite serviceable Cateye light that has done a winter if regular riding and also never failed - it cost much less, a bit over £100.

If you are riding regularly in dark roads, towpaths etc it will pay you to spend a bit more. Cheap lights, which often are unreliable and prone to overheating, can be a false economy.


If you want rechargable then I've used Niter 750/800 front and solace rear. Absolutely fantastic super bright with wide beam pattern.

If you go dynamo, then Busch& Mueller IQ X are the mutts


Legendary Member
The 'what lights' thread has arrived much earlier this year.
It’s dark by 8, that’s not that late for commuters


Legendary Member
You don't need a new light, just fix the problem with your existing light. If it is a battery light, it means that the batteries aren't tightly packed. Put a bit of foam rubber in to secure them. If it is a dynamo light, you have a loose contact somewhere.
And if it’s a USB rechargeable? :smile:
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Laptop? These lights get charged at home not on the move I’d think
I don't think he was being serious :laugh:

As for the OP, I'd recommend anything by Lezyne or Moon - I've found both to be reliable. Same with my Fenix BC-30, which is around half price these days although you do need a pair of good quality 18650 batteries to keep it powered.


If you want rechargable then I've used Niter 750/800 front and solace rear. Absolutely fantastic super bright with wide beam pattern.

If you go dynamo, then Busch& Mueller IQ X are the mutts

I've just found out that the connections seem to fail after a number of years, the wire kept coming out of the spade connector, the spade connectors which connect the rear to the front light kept disconnecting (the roads in Horsham aren't the smoothest), which I initially didn't notice. Bought new spade connectors, soldered the wires to them, connectors still kept coming off, so have now soldered the connectors to the front light. Everything staying in place so far.
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