Bonjour from Mayenne in France

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Active Member
*draws back the curtain, peeks out*

Bonjour, mes amis! Some of you may (but probably won't) remember me from years ago - wafflycat - waffles.

The cycling slipped. Long story - boring - précis - ill health both physical & mental, so cycling stopped. Life got in the way (pretty much had a breakdown as well as physical ill health). Left UK & have lived in France for the last four years. Got head together, getting the body together. Loving life in rural France. Now in a state of health where I can attempt to get back on my bike. Brought the bikes with me to France. I am unlikely to be cycling as much as I used to as I am significantly older now and the land about me is lumpier than I had back in UK. I will content myself with pootling to the nearest town to get some groceries in!

Anyhow, j'espère qu vous êtes en forme!

Cordialement, waffles
:welcome: back.


Active Member
Salut, waffles. Est-ce que le chat dans le photo est à vous? Elle/il est magnifique!
Bonsoir! Ça est la Waffles originale, quand elle était une chatonne. Elle était belle. Elle est morte depuis beaucoup des années. Maintenant j'ai trois chats, Monsieur Bert, Mademoiselle Harriet et La Petite Princesse Minou.


Europe Endless
Wotcha! How are you doing these days?
PM incoming!
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