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Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Yes and I cried. :cry:

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Yep, although only in sparring (and quite often, by my own - if you let your guard drop, you'd get it hit back at you, as a reminder :smile: )


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
I used to kick box a bit and do contact tae kwondo, mostly sparring.

Deleted member 1258

In the mid sixties joined the Navy and started my training at HMS Ganges, we started with six weeks in the Annex and one afternoon the intake was taken into a building on the edge of the parade ground, we were paired up with a lad about the same size and weight gloved up and given, I think it was three minutes in the ring, the thing I most remember was getting involve in a good scrap with the lad I was with then running out of idea's, I think he had the same problem, in the last part of the round we spent more time looking at each other than fighting, I remember fighting in short bursts at the end, I don't remember the blows hurting much, I think adrenalin must have taken over.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
If my dad were still alive, I would ask him! He was a keen boxer in his teens and got to the final of the GB schoolboy boxing championships. (He lost on points to an older, stronger opponent.)

To give you an idea of what punches to the body feel like - my dad's trainer used to get him to lie on his back and repeatedly hurled a heavy medicine ball down at his abdomen to prepare him for the battering he'd get in the ring! :eek:


Legendary Member
I boxed from the age of 7 and packed it in when I was about 25. This was before the time when you had to wear headguards. I boxed over 200 Bouts for my local club, regiment and army.

Because you have trained so much and are concentrating so much, you dont feel a jab as a punch. It is just something getting in your way.

On the other hand, a hook high up on the head can feel like your brain has bounced off your skull, and it may have.

Its been a while but if you come round I can demonstrate the movement.^_^


depends who threw the punch
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